
BC大选 -维多利亚参选议员和华人面对面

, D2 \1 e4 K" B& D; a) F


aman, 很欣赏您的调侃和兴风作浪的本事!不过玩笑还是就此打住吧。选举对你我,对大家都是件严肃的事情,让我们一起通过参与商讨搞清谁是我们应该选的人吧!拜托了!(另外,麻烦您查一下词典,Integrity 与形象没有关系。)


小郭呀,还有 Grant,就别跟着起哄了!



My questions are: . P9 m  L! V7 f; U
& [& M. \1 ?7 e0 r; e: U* ]8 M5 |
A. For all candidates: ' H, d# }4 O: n  T$ I
4 ^/ D+ R7 `2 ?5 L$ D: ?
1. If you are elected, what are you and/or your government going to do to bring about a healthy (or healthier) economy, in general, and increase GDP, in particular? And how are you going to do it?1 M; |' I+ T/ S  Z- `2 z
' X9 b3 D/ H7 p' Z5 g1 R8 x/ c) q
2. In addition to short term plans to bring around the economy, what are your government's long-term plans to build and sustain an healthy economy that not only we, but also our future generations will benefit from?
! E- y8 E6 w2 [! Z6 S; r9 F1 r
& x. I; A2 Z2 G3. How are you and your government going to work on the relationship between the unions and the government? What are you going to do to avoid union actions which often end in a double-loss situation since the actions are often very costly to the parties affected and/or the general public as well as to the union members themselves? (Note: I realize a similar question was brought forth by Grant earlier, but thought I could spell it out in English this way.)
8 @$ n! b3 @5 k7 y1 N( J4 Q& V: Y; N+ J* \& o
B. For an individual candicate:
6 c( h* s/ Y  r8 v( C- A3 y7 C0 B; A
4. For the NDP candidate: how can you reconcile the need to reduce debts and be fiscally responsible and at the same time, maintain fair and adequate social programs?1 E, Y# o, Y; ]9 L; b: T# ~4 g% f

7 ~' D  b  r* f; ?7 V5. For the Liberal candidate: Many of us have been proud that we have you, an ethnic Chinese, in the government. Many of us voted for you in the past three elections. And most of us here tonight live in your riding: Gordon Head. We wonder: what have you done in your role as an MLA to help enhance the well-being of the Chinese Canadians in all aspects in Victoria? And how are you planning to continue to do so if you get re-elected?/ l8 M! \. g; l0 Q
$ k, _  a7 s; G7 x
6. For the Green candidate: Other than environmental issues, what are your top three agenda items to pursue once your are elected? We would like to know how ready you are to be part of the government in additional to being a prominent climate scientist who has been on a team that won a Nobel prize.


回复 29# aman 的帖子

Sorry, aman, I should have been more specific. The Nobel prize was awarded to Mr Gore and the UN's intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) who split the $1.5m (£750,000) prize.  Andrew Weaver, even though his name was not mentioned, was a leading author in the IPCC panel. I have revised my question to avoid further confusion. Thank you for your correction.

1 F7 O5 ^0 V, P" Q

My sources are from pages such as the following:

1 M, W6 M# v  B  }' M2 y! o

Gore and UN share Nobel peace prize

9 C5 `% b  O0 Y4 P

UVic congratulates Nobel Prize-winning researchers


Thanks, aman, for yet another source!
6 n# V1 F' ^2 [" V3 E% p9 X; n6 @  u0 z+ d. `+ U! |/ H
原帖由 aman 于 2013-4-29 20:56 发表 # P* i* \, K/ f6 C' X



从回答问题的角度看,总的印象是:绿党 Andrew 回答得最好,其次是自由党的Ida,保守党的 Greg 新民主党的Rob 差一些,但我分不出哪一个更差。其实像老任说的,新民主党的 Rob 与其他几位候选人不是同一选区的,不应该在场。
4 F( D9 |% V8 w, i# a4 A# h
. M: i+ j$ ?( [2 n) d具体看,Andrew 回答最直接了当--不打马虎眼;对各个问题,, 渡轮的费用,排污水道,往中国卖天然气,工会等问题的来龙去脉和方方面面似乎都很了解,很清楚,回答的有理有(数)据的;而且他很实事求是,知道的就回答,不知道就说不知道(比如对选区的华人不太了解);他很诚恳,没有政客的味道。我尤其喜欢他对有关工会这个问题的回答(如,首先要建立一个互相尊重的关系),感觉他是一个绅士,很有Interpersonal Communication 的才能,假如由他来代表政府与工会谈判,应该不会把事情搞得太糟。在四个人当中,他的能力应该是最强的。
+ m% N" ?: Y2 ~# F * Y6 A# n$ I! I) n2 F, r
Ida 回答问题也很直接了当,也不打马虎眼,看得出她对她的在朝的自由党在各个问题上的立场和处理方法了如指掌,能够详细的陈述并提供为什么要这样作的解释,看来不是混饭吃的。她虽然已经在任多年,还真看不出(听不出)有什么政客的味道。因为她是华人,她时不时铿锵有力的回答还真让我自豪了一番。假如没有更强势的Andrew她毫无疑问是出类拔萃的(看来她多届当选,事出有因)。
  N* Q4 Y: {, [
$ m3 f* _) K/ o/ }! p; YGreg 可能是年龄大一些的原因?表现得不是那么出色,对一些问题回答的比较浅,从回答中看不出他对问题的实质和方方面面是不是真的有很深的了解。
- @+ G# _# A3 X' e; i) e. k  V+ L 8 x& P6 Z9 L7 e. @8 j# g2 t) Z; d
Rob 也许是因为知道在座的大都不是他的选区的,似乎没有尽最大的努力。回答的比较空洞,如,在回答他的新民主党为什么要打算消减BC培训和教育储蓄津贴这一问题时,他第一句话是:“教育是非常重要滴”,然后对所问的问题也没有答出个所以然来,与 Andrew Ida 直接回答问题的风格形成对比,也与他们在陈述问题时所表现的严谨形成对比,感觉 Rob 像一个没有把功课作好就来考试的一个不成熟的学生。他要在我选区,我大概不会选他。


回复 46# 的帖子

同意您的 Ida 印象,我也极有可能投她。投她的另一个原因是,我比较看好 Christie Clark。

