
算一算:损失多少:1471 Harvest Lane

this house was sold first in 2004 at $549K with GST in. (did not know who paid for the GST).  then sold again in 2006 at $651K. the current owner paid $720K in 2011 and resold in 2012 at $700K. house market is always going up and down as you can see from the transactions of this house. when  you look at it in 10 years time, the value of houses should be doubled in Gordon Head area. if you buy and sell in one year, you will loss in most cases. we do not know why the owner wants to sell it in a year,  there must be a reason. may be the owner find another good deal, or the owner has moved to other place. it looks like this house was vacant when it was on the market. it indicates "has to sell".when you want to catch a train, you got to get on it as soon as you can, then you may  find a seat, after that you may  find  a cabin if you are lucky. the key is get on first. otherwise the train is gone, then you have to wait for a long time in the cold winter rain.


The purchaser pays for the land title transfer tax. which isfirst 200K x 1% then balance is 2%.


when that "accident" happened, do not get off the train. 不要惊慌。because the house market will never go back to 10 years ago. 3-5 年后。。。http://www.vreb.org/pdf/historical_statistics/GRAA2011.pdf  瞅瞅这些可爱的线条。


Is now thetime to buy?

So the question posed is “what if Iwait for a year to purchase my new house. Prices are falling aren’tthey? Won’t it be cheaper if I wait?”

Well actually, probably, no.

If we are dealing with a non-cash buyerthey are going to have to finance their purchase with a mortgage,hence the reason they are talking to us. So if you do a quickcomparison of what the monthly payments would be for a purchase todayand a proposed purchase a year from now if the anticipated 1%increase in fixed term mortgage rates actually occurs. They are:

Purchase today:
Purchase price                         $300,000
5% down payment                        (15,000)
Net amount due                        $285,000
CMHC Fee                                       7,838
Total Mortgage Amount                $292,838

Payments based upon a 5 year rate of3.29%, and a 25 year amortization are $1,430

Now if they consumer decided to waitfor a year in anticipation of a price drop of 10% in real estatevalues this is what the purchase would look like:

Purchase price                         $270,000
5% down payment                        (13,500)
Net amount due                        $256,500
CMHC Fee                                       7,054
Total Mortgage Amount                $263,554

Payments based upon a 5 year rate of4.29%, and a 25 year amortization are $1,428

2 Dollars !! That is the difference inwhat most people are worried about – what their payment isgoing to be!! Less than the cost of a Tim Hortons coffee!

Now is a great time to buy. Lots ofinventory to pick from, some of the lowest interest rates in history,and the ability to get into a home at a reasonable monthly cost thatis as cheap as paying rent.

If you have to live somewhere it isalways better to be in your home, building equity in your property,not in your landlord’s property.....


那个差价是1500元。是因为房价跌了之后,买方少支付了首期。没有隐瞒的意思,事实是没有支付。到你卖房的时候,无论你付的是15000 或者13500, 首期自然都会回到你的手里。这是成本和利润的问题,一定要明白。 如果你是租房,那1500元大慨就是你一个月的租金。接着租一年,你的首期就没了。 终于等到有一天房价大跌的时候,却又应了那句“有了贼心,但没了贼钱”。
利息有上涨的可能性非常大, 但幅度不会太大。 因为现在还没有大幅度涨息的经济基础。人都有想买在最低,我也想! 问题是什么时候最低?见过很多人错过机会,跌的时候不买,涨的时迎向上冲,很难明白。


另外,想想你什么时候最需要钱,就是在你老时候。 RSP是不固定和不够的,同时还要付税的当你取出来时。 只有你的主住屋是没有任何税的当你卖掉后。 这就是为什么要尽早买房,这是加拿大政府给每个公民的最好的政策,没有任何税可交。想想,如果你拥有一个房子10-20 年后卖掉,多数都能翻一翻。那时就就租一个小condo,周游列国,享受夕阳。  那么利息呢? 有人一定会问,那就权当你租房房的租金吧, 因为你总得有个地方睡觉吧。



