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标题: 行使我们的公民权,去选举市议员和市长! [打印本页]

作者: Frosty01    时间: 2014-10-27 05:48     标题: 行使我们的公民权,去选举市议员和市长!


解决第一个问题,最好的办法是去了解候选人背景, 去问他们我们关心的问题,看他们如何会答,是否代表我们的利益




These are the remaining meetings /debates:
Date: Wednesday, Oct. 29
Time: 11 a.m.- 3 p.m.
Location: University ofVictoria Student Union Bldg.
Address: Michele PujolRoom
Details: Sponsored by theUVic Student Society
Date: Wednesday, Oct. 29
Time: 7 p.m. Doors opento public at 6:15 p.m.
Location: Royal OakMiddle School, multi-use room
Address: 751 Travino Lane(formerly 4564 West Saanich Rd,)
Details: Sponsored by theMt. View-Colquitz Community Association, Residents Association of StrawberryVale, Marigold and Glanford and the Royal Oak Community Association
Details: All candidatesforum hosted by the Highlands District Community Association
Date: Thursday, Oct. 30
Time 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Location: University ofVictoria student union building
Address: 3800 FinnertyRd.
Details: New urbanism andlivable cities: Mayoral candidates in three municipalities debate transit,housing and student jobs. Sponsored by the UVic Students’ Society
Date: Thurs. October 30
Time: 7 p.m.
Location: LochsideElementary School,
Address: 1145 Royal OakDr.
Details: Sponsored byBroadmead Area Residents Association, Blenkinsop Valley Community Association,Cordova Bay Association for Community Affairs
Date: Tuesday, Nov. 4
Time: 2 p.m.
Location: The Church ofthe Nazarene,
Address: 4277 Quadra St.
Details: Sponsored by TheChurch of the Nazarene
Date: Wednesday, Nov. 5
Time: 7-9 p.m.
Municipality: Saanich
Location: Cadboro BayUnited Church,
Address: 2625 Arbutus Rd.
Details: is sponsored byCadboro Bay Residents Association
Date: Thursday, Nov. 6
Time: 6:30-9:30 p.m.
Location: Garth HomerCentre auditorium
Address: 813 Darwin Ave.
Details: Sponsored byQuadra Cedar Hill Community Association
-See more at:
作者: 232793819    时间: 2014-10-27 07:18     标题: 可惜我没资格啊!

作者: MrGrant    时间: 2014-10-27 10:29

作者: SSXS    时间: 2014-10-27 11:06

作者: FIONASUN    时间: 2014-10-27 15:03

作者: Frosty01    时间: 2014-10-27 17:10     标题: CBC News 今早有关新闻

今早7点30分,CBC 地方新闻报导了现任市长Frank Leonard坐任污水处理委员会,但缺席了102次会议。他的解释是,因为他儿子所在的公司投标”污水处理项目“(项目现已被停止),有利益冲突。所以他不能参加会议。他都派他的“代理”议员去。他的“代理”每次都支持这个项目。



看来这个市长Frank Leonard 和他的这个“代理”议员(Vicki Sanders )都该被选下去了。
作者: Frosty01    时间: 2014-10-27 17:12


你的选票really matters!不要轻视你手中的选票。
作者: Frosty01    时间: 2014-10-27 17:57


我个人的想法供你参照:现任市长在任已18年,好几个议员也在任多年。人在同一职位,尤其是这种职位太久,会疲倦的。并且,我听到不少以前投票选这个市长和老议员的当地老居民都说,现任市长和议员们越来越官僚了,根本不把市民放在眼里。”It's time for change!“ (是时候变一变了)。

据我了解,新的市长、议员候选人大都是有知识有文化的人。所以我会选所有的新的候选人 (如果他们被选上了,最起码“新官上任三把火”)和一个现任议员(我听过他的答辩,有理有据。而不是官腔官调。很明显,他做决定前做了很多调查研究,才给出结论。我佩服这种人)。



Richard Atwell,Mayoral Candidate  NEW

Fred Haynes Councillor CandidateNEW

Marsha Henderson CouncillorCandidate NEW

Rebecca Mersereau CouncillorCandidate NEW

Shawn Newby Councillor CandidateNEW

Colin Plant Councillor CandidateNEW

Vic Derman Councillor  Incumbent (现任)


On Nov 15, 2014…

Let’s electa new Mayor of Saanich.

I’m running for mayorbecause Saanich needs a mayor who listens,a mayor who is approachable anda mayor who will work collaboratively with others.
I will make decisionsthrough an open and transparent process and be accountable to you. I will keepyou informed, provide you access to information and offer thorough and soundjustification for decisions that we will make together.
I will work with you tofind solutions that not only will make our region a better place to live, but also offerthe best value for money.
I’ve built my reputationon critical thinking and Iwill bring my successful businessexperience, a thorough understanding of local issues, and proven leadership skills to the office ofMayor.

I willlisten and I will act.

Together, we will get Saanich Council working foryou.

下面这个市长候选人(David Shebib)纯粹是来捣乱的,他报名参选维多利亚所有13市的市长
作者: Frosty01    时间: 2014-10-27 18:06     标题: 新候选人名单

对不起,在新市长和新议员候选人前面忘写了一个标题 重写如下:


Richard Atwell,  Mayoral CandidateNEW


Fred Haynes, Councillor Candidate   NEW
Marsha Henderson, CouncillorCandidate    NEW
Rebecca Mersereau, CouncillorCandidate    NEW
Shawn Newby, Councillor Candidate    NEW
Colin Plant, Councillor Candidate    NEW

Vic Derman, Councillor Incumbent 令人佩服的现任议员

作者: mm0220    时间: 2014-10-28 11:03

作者: Frosty01    时间: 2014-10-28 21:01

作者: Frosty01    时间: 2014-10-28 21:34

Here is an article about the new mayor candidate  Richard Artwell at Focus online:

See complete version at:

          Richard Atwell: serious challenger in Saanich
           By David Broadland, November 2014
Mayoral candidate would provide stronger leadership and open up Saanich and the CRD to greater public involvement.

When Environment Minister Mary Polak decided last spring that she would not support the CRD’s plan to force Esquimalt to host a central sewage treatment plant at McLoughlin Point, she created the conditions that pushed Richard Atwell into running for mayor of Saanich.

Polak’s decision means the CRD will need to develop a new plan; Atwell has been a leading critic of the CRD’s plan and Saanich Mayor Frank Leonard has been a leading supporter of that plan. Atwell seems the perfect opponent to fight it out with Leonard on this issue: bright, articulate, and—someone close to his campaign told me—“very, very funny.” Not that there’s anything funny about the sewage issue: The Plan to Nowhere had cost regional taxpayers $85 million before it was suspended in September.

Married, Atwell lives in Saanich in the Falaise area. He graduated from the University of Victoria’s Faculty of Engineering and later worked as a computer software engineer for Apple and Motorola.

In spite of his prominence in the sewage issue, it would be a mistake to see him as a single-issue candidate. In an interview his responses were peppered with references to other issues he’s been involved in, including the HST recall campaign. He described his recent community involvement this way: “I’ve dedicated the last several years of my life to local and regional initiatives as a member of different boards, and I’ve built my reputation on critical thinking, particularly during the past two years with my involvement as a director of the Sewage Treatment Action Group.”
Why is he running for mayor? “Partly out of frustration with dealing with the government myself. I’ve being going down to the CRD for two years and have seen how dysfunctional the whole thing is. There is not a real good mechanism for the public to engage in the process. When you go to Saanich, it’s the exact same thing.”
“You need to start with the public from the beginning,” he says. “The Shelbourne Valley Action Plan took five years and resulted in one yellow sign. The folks I’ve been talking with are now having to do FOIs to figure out how that happened. What they’re discovering is the decision on what direction to go was made before the public process began. The public process just came afterward to ratify it.”

How would he change that? For starters he’d make Saanich council “more welcoming” to its citizens. He would re-establish, for example, the tradition of having an open mike so people could speak directly to councillors. As it is, he says, they have to go through a lengthy process where there’s no guarantee they will ever get in front of the council.

Would he carry on Leonard’s legendary practice of handling all communications between Saanich and the public himself? Atwell says the legend isn’t quite true: “If he likes you, you get a response. If he doesn’t, you don’t.” Atwell described going to see the mayor. He asked Leonard, “Why aren’t you coming to the CRD sewage committee meetings?” Leonard responded, “I’m too busy.” Atwell says that, if he was elected mayor, he would continue personal access but “would probably put a communications office in place.”

The problem with Leonard’s personal approach, Atwell says, is that “you only get that one view.” Moreover, “It’s a tax on his time,” leaving little time, for example, for a mayor to attend CRD sewage committee meetings and help to prevent that $85 million the CRD spent getting nowhere.

That is the central issue on everyone’s mind this election: the immense sum the CRD has spent on trying to develop a treatment plan while miscalculating Esquimalt’s support for the plan. I asked Atwell whether he thought a central treatment plant at McLoughlin Point was a dead issue. “No, there are vested interests that are still pursuing it. We’ve seen letters and articles in the paper from the local construction industry. I think it’s fair to say they’d like to see that project done right away.”

One argument against considering options has been the threat of losing contributory funding from senior governments, but Atwell says, “I’ve seen enough evidence from the Province and the federal government to say they are committed to providing the funding. Certainly, they’d rather provide funding for a worthy project than one that’s less worthy.”

Atwell has criticized Leonard’s prolonged absence from the CRD sewage committee. In the last five years the mayor has attended only one meeting. Leonard recently claimed he didn’t attend those meetings because of “a conflict of interest.” His son works for the engineering firm Worley Parsons, which has done a small amount of work on the project. Atwell notes, though, that Leonard had, in fact, attended some meetings of the CRD Board at which money decisions on the sewage project were made. Atwell contends there’s no public record that Leonard ever disclosed the conflict before this election’s campaign.

作者: SSXS    时间: 2014-10-28 22:29

请问大家对现任市长Dean 有没有任何看法?
作者: Frosty01    时间: 2014-10-31 16:17

回#2 和#13


作者: hotmale    时间: 2014-10-31 19:08

作者: Frosty01    时间: 2014-11-2 07:40     标题: 了解候选人

我上周三去了一次候选人和社区见面会,听了候选人回答居民提出的问题,“大多数”现任候选人的回答“言中无物” -政客虚辞。我喜欢以下几个候选人的回答,诚恳实在。如果想更多的了解他们,请看他们的网站:

Richard Atwell: 新市长候选人。

Vic Derman: 现任市议员候选人 (唯一回答诚恳实在的现任候选人)

Rebecca Mersereau:  新市议员候选人。

Fred Haynes: 新市议员候选人.

Colin Plant: 新市议员候选人.

Marsha Henderson: 新市议员候选人.  (我特别喜欢她的网站的内容)


Wednesday, November 5 – 7:00 – 9:00 pm

Cadboro Bay United Church – 2625 Arbutus Road
作者: Frosty01    时间: 2014-11-2 08:25     标题: 提前选举和11月15日选举地点和时间表

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作者: Frosty01    时间: 2014-11-2 08:29     标题: 选举时间和地点

图片附件: Picture 21.png (2014-11-2 08:29, 237.66 KB) / 该附件被下载次数 11

作者: marilyn    时间: 2014-11-2 20:26


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