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标题: 加国名校招生官:留学保证失败三雷区 [打印本页]

作者: mimi    时间: 2010-2-28 18:39     标题: 加国名校招生官:留学保证失败三雷区

失败方法之一:在国内什么样,出去后还什么样  中国学生对在中国怎样当个好学生很清楚。但如果到了国外还完全照搬老一套,就不会成功。
  First way to fail: try to be the same as you were at home
  Chinese students understand very well how to be successful inChina.  However, if they try to study in exactly the same way abroad,they will not succeed。
  The Chinese system rewards the student who can memorize thenecessary information most completely.  Chinese students compete witheach other and try to be ranked individually at the highest possiblelevel.  North American schools feel they are successful if all theirstudents achieve understanding of important concepts and principals andcan apply knowledge in different ways。
  The Chinese student who simply tries to memorize all theinformation from a course in a North American school will be frustratedwhen less studious classmates achieve higher scores.  This is becausesome students are able to write papers or exams in ways that revealdeeper understanding of principles.  In North America, two differentstudents might compose very different answers to a given exam questionbut achieve the same scores.  Often such students are able to applyrelevant evidence from extra knowledge gained through personal readingor through superior recognition about which information more stronglysupports a point of view。
  Second way to fail: be a passive learner
  In Western countries there is a stereotype about the typicalChinese student who sits quietly in class, always does his homework andcan achieve at the top of his class in math and science courses.  Thisstudent however, however, does much less well in literature, history,psychology and other subjects where the written course content requireseach student to approach the information with a personal point of viewand to form opinions and interpretations。
  One of the main differences between the two clusters of subjectsis the requirement that students develop their understanding throughopen discussion and debate, by skillfully and politely challenging theviews of other classmate and teachers.  North American students havebeen developing the confidence to function in this manner sinceelementary school. Furthermore, North American students have beenfunctioning in learning groups from an early age. By this approach,students produce reports, displays and other types of results usingteamwork just as they might have to do as part of a production team ina company later in life。
  Unfortunately, the stereotypical Chinese student is often seen asa burden rather than an asset by such groups because his skills are notsuitable for contribution to the development of the product in arelevant way. The Chinese student who takes personal risks and developshis social and academic skills will find himself more easily acceptedby classmates and will achieve higher scores。
  Third way to fail: isolate yourself from the host culture
  A different stereotype has emerged about the modern Chinesestudent.  He has a lot of money to spend and draws attention to himselfby buying an expensive car (BMW, Mercedes, etc。).  Local North Americanstudents hate this.  It tells them that this student doesn’t care aboutlearning to function with local students but wants to achieve statuswithin an overseas Chinese population。
  Another aspect of this mentality is the tendency for this studentto spend a lot of time with Chinese friends, speaking Chinese and goingto Chinese restaurants and clubs.  This will allow the student to havea comfortable cultural lifestyle but it means he is not learning tointeract with students from the host country and other cultures。
作者: lloydli    时间: 2010-2-28 21:43


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