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标题: [求助信息] 我是否被骗了? [打印本页]

作者: withoutfear    时间: 2009-8-10 01:21     标题: 我是否被骗了?

我是本月21号到达维多利亚,急于找个房子住。然后在上看到有一个apt出租,觉得价位也比较合理。于是发了个邮件询问。对方很快就回复了,然后给我寄来了一份rental application form让我填。并告诉我她现在人在Oklahoma,但维多利亚那房间的keys and documents却在她手上。这是她回复我的邮件:
Thanks for the response...there is a direct bus passing by the apt in which you just have to stand by a bus stop few legs after the apt taking you to UVic.
I am looking for a roommate because i'm still coming back to victoria just that it may be up to 12-18 months and moreover my furnitures are still in the apt and also i want to be fair enough about the price. (注:这句看得不是很明白,是不是说她12-18个月后会回到Victoria住呢? )
  I have attached the rental appliction form to you,so get back to me with  the filled form and send it via email...also attached is the interior of the building just for you to see how the inside looks like.
  I want you to get back to me ASAP...Regards and stay blessed.


Hello ,
   Thanks for the getting back to me and your application,I am satisfied with the content and information in your application form.i can see your willingness in this rent. I shall be giving you the apartment for rent,pls again take care of the apartment so that i might be glad when coming at to see how you are really taking good care of the apt.
However,i can see that you are really ready to rent the apt and have been responsible by paying the rent but i will want you to pay half the amount first which is $1590 then when you have received all the documents below,then you can pay the remaining half($1590).the packages will be sent to you via DHL COURIER SERVICE next day delivery.I am doing this based on trust and i will want you to stick to your words and not dissapoint me at all.

Here are the contents of the document.
1) Entrance and the rooms Keys
2)Paper/Permanent apartment form(Containing your reference details)
3)The apartment documentary file.
4)Payment Receipt.
5)Full address and description of the apartment

  You are going to make the payment of half of $3180 which is $1590 through Money Gram and i have below the payment information in which you will pay to..

Here is the information below:

Receiver's Name: Sharon Wagner
Address: 825 S Kerr
City : Sallisaw
State: Oklahoma
Zipcode: 74955
Amount: $1590
Text Question: TO WHO
Answer: Sharon

I'll like you to get back to me with the payment details which includes the sender's name, address and 8 digits MTCN#.

Best and Warm Regards,



作者: sam    时间: 2009-8-10 02:51

先不要汇款 我之前和朋友找房子也和你有类似的经历 对方说不在本地 不可以见面 但是照片地址什么都有 只是说先付一部分定金就可以搬进去住 开始的时候我们很相信他 就经常发Email和他联系 他也是很快就回复 当时我们还奇怪 已经凌晨了 一般的Manager没有这么晚还等着别人来看房子的吧 后来我们就提问他好多问题 他开始不回复我们 后来去他给我们的apt问 最后人家说根本就没有这个人 而且已经好久都没有空房子了 现在想起来后怕啊 多亏留了个心眼 加拿大是个很讲书面签字的国家 空口无凭的 建议你在慎重的考虑考虑 他可能不是坏人 但是 我觉得处于自我防范 还是不要轻易就给他钱的好 何况你连他这个人都不知道有没有 现在还在国内 不出问题算是幸运 出了问题没有人能帮你 好好想想吧 
作者: 350Z    时间: 2009-8-10 03:26

作者: withoutfear    时间: 2009-8-10 03:47

作者: rcheung    时间: 2009-8-10 08:33

作者: xiaohou123    时间: 2009-8-10 15:58

一般说人不在本地 都是假的...
作者: jiajia    时间: 2009-8-10 17:53     标题: 我觉的也是假的

作者: wojiaolifu    时间: 2009-8-10 20:08

craigslist 上面骗子多
作者: kawayi    时间: 2009-8-11 14:46

这种事情 其实很多啦。。 你们以后要注意啦。。。
作者: carrielulu    时间: 2009-8-11 14:58

我刚刚被骗 还骗了650!  大家千万不要相信啊!!!妈的!气死我了 跟你一样的
作者: 帮帮    时间: 2009-8-11 16:07

作者: bryan    时间: 2009-8-25 19:08

还好我也没汇款 我也刚收到一份这样的房东回信 我也填了申请表 然后房东给我回了以下内容:

Thanks very much for your reply and also i can see your willingness in this rent !!! So as i shall be giving you my House and you can move in when you are ready,pls again take care of the House so that i might be glad when coming to visits you at the end of the year.However, , that will not be a problem but i will advice you due to a responsible person like you, to be able to afford 1 month rent or if you can afford 2month its okay aswell(one month-$1150  like to send the following document to you via the DHL to the address you send to me and the tracking number will be sent to you so that you can possible occupy my House,Pls once again,i am giving you this on trust and do not dissapoint me and i promise you that,you will love the House..Also the months rent will be through western union money  Transfer.

        So i am with the below document here with me and i will like to know whether you are ready to make the payment now so that i can arrange on how the document will get to you in time. here is my phone # +2348038027216 so you can call me any time and more also you make sure that you call with long distance calling card because its an international call.

Here are the contents of the document..

1) Entrance and the rooms Keys
2)Paper/Permanent house form(Containing your reference details)
3)The house documetary file.
4)Payment Receipt.


Name :
Address :
Phone :

          So pls get back to me as soon as you can, you can get in touch with me on my # .
I await your reply ASAP
作者: YYQ    时间: 2009-8-26 14:46


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