安省省长Kathleen Wynne和财长 Charles Sousa,于2017年4月20日周四上午在新闻发布会上宣布了一条重量级的政策:包括多伦多在内的安省大金马蹄地区将实施15%的海外买家税。而该政策出台的主要原因则是:过去的一年里,多伦多房产的销售价格猛涨了33%。
其实,对于该政策出台的可能性,夏夏已经在之前发布的文章中有过讨论,感兴趣的朋友可以查阅夏夏2017年2月19日写的《万锦市议员提议安省全省征收15%外国买家税,各方反应很有趣 (夏欣怡编译)》和发表于《大众理财顾问》杂志2017年第3期的文章《新政实施,应如何投资加拿大房产?》。所以说,该政策的来临,虽然有些突然,但可以认为是在意料之中。
1、A 15-per-centnon-resident speculation tax to be imposed on buyers in the Greater GoldenHorseshoe area who are not citizens, permanent residents or Canadiancorporations.
在大金马蹄地区购房的买家,如果不属于加拿大公民或永久居民,将缴纳15%的“非居民投机税”NRST(Non-ResidentSpeculation Tax)。
2、Expanded rent control that will apply to all private rental units inOntario, including those built after 1991, which are currently excluded.
3、Updates to the Residential Tenancies Act to include a standard leaseagreement, tighter provisions for “landlord’s own use” evictions,and technical changes to the Landlord-Tenant Board meant to make the processfairer, as well as other changes.
4、A program to leverage the value of surplus provincial land assetsacross the province to develop a mix of market-price housing and affordablehousing.
5、Legislation that would allow Toronto and possibly othermunicipalities to introduce a vacant homes property tax in an effort toencourage property owners to sell unoccupied units or rent them out.
6、A plan to ensure property tax for new apartment buildings is chargedat a similar rate as other residential properties.
7、A five-year, $125-million program aimed at encouraging theconstruction of new rental apartment buildings by rebating a portion ofdevelopment charges.
8、More flexibility for municipalities when it comes to using propertytax tools to encourage development.
9、The creation of a new Housing Supply Team with dedicated provincialemployees to identify barriers to specific housing development projects and workwith developers and municipalities to find solutions.
10、An effort to understand and tackle practices that may becontributing to tax avoidance and excessive speculation in the housing market.
11、A review of the rules real estate agents are required to follow toensure that consumers are fairly represented in real estate transactions.
12、The launch of a housing advisory group which will meet quarterly toprovide the government with ongoing advice about the state of the housingmarket and discuss the impact of the measures and any additional steps that areneeded.
13、Education for consumers on their rights, particularly on the issueof one real estate professional representing more than one party in a realestate transaction.
14、A partnership with the Canada Revenue Agency to explore morecomprehensive reporting requirements so that correct federal and provincialtaxes, including income and sales taxes, are paid on purchases and sales ofreal estate in Ontario.
15、Set timelines for elevator repairs to be established in consultationwith the sector and the Technical Standards & Safety Authority.
16、Provisions that would require municipalities to consider theappropriate range of unit sizes in higher density residential buildings toaccommodate a diverse range of household sizes and incomes, among other things.
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