资讯 商家 发布 会员
  • 信息地区:维多利亚
  • 联 系 人:石蕊
  • 联系电话:已过期(点击号码即可拨打)
  • 联系微信:已过期
  • 发布时间:2023年01月21日
公司介绍\Company Profile :

位于shelbourne Village 商业中心,步行可到达维多利亚大学和卡姆森大学landowne校区。是Gordon Head's区内最方便的正宗的越南餐馆。

Located in the Shelbourne Village Square: at the intersection of Cedar Hill Cross Rd. and Shelbourne St. It is within walking distance to the University of Victoria and a minutes from Camosun College Landsdowne campus. This makes us Gordon Head's best place for convenient access to authentic Vietnamese cuisine.

工作描述及职责\*Job Description and Responsibilities: *

日常餐单备餐准备\Assist cook with daily preparation menu items;
清洗和切蔬菜,清理海鲜和准备其他食材\Wash and chop vegetables, clean seafood, and prepare other ingredients before for cooking;
日常垃圾处理\General garbage removal and recycling;
遵循安全标准储存,处理,和准备食材\Follow safety standards for storing, handling, and preparing food;
保持清洁的工作环境和确保厨房的消毒标准\Maintaining a clean work environment and ensure the kitchen meets sanitation standards;
易沟通交流,团队意识强、Easy communication and team work

高中毕业\Completion of secondary school
相关工作经验优先\Previous experience is an asset
薪资: $16.00至$22.00(每小时 )

申请截止日期: 19-01-2023

Hiring Insights
Hiring 2 candidates for this role

Urgently hiring

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