
星期二免费学生晚餐! (Feb. 8, 2011)

由于工作原因, 我从东部般到这里. 我在东部去过教会, 教会也常常吃饭, 但饭后都要学圣经. 这里的教会吃饭后没有圣经学习, 这到有些不同. 不过教会应该鼓励大家学一点圣经, 至少让人明白这个常常请人吃饭的地方是干什么的.


星期二免费学生晚餐! (Jan 19, 2010)

And we're off! 395 people converged at EBC last week. See you Tuesday Jan 19 (best come early)                                      veggies! We were expecting a smaller crowd last Tuesday, but we ended up withfive short of 400! This coming week we’re recommending that people getthere by 5:20 if they want to avoid the line-up, which was prettyloooong by 6 pm. But everyone willing to wait got lots of food. Don’tforget that the “study hall” (with wireless internet) starts by about 4pm or earlier


Thank youagain to everyone in the congregation who is contributing to the studentdinner! Through your faithfulness, God continues to provide exactly what isneeded. We were able to feed 395 very grateful people again this week. Therewas just enough food for students to take away some leftovers. We also continueto see new volunteers join us this remarkable work – often just at the righttime. What is needed most are your faithful prayers for this ministry. On aweekly basis we become acutely and gratefully3 L, ?# a6 F/ X5 Y! a. _3 X
aware of ourreliance on Our Lord for everything.
3 ]" _3 z8 j: `! a/ BWe also becomeaware of some students who are feeling financial pinches and other verysignificant challenges. Above all, students need our prayers.- t6 L" e" _- Z0 }1 l/ c( |! e
Here are justa few the comments written to us by students last Tuesday:
- W  k# L+ M4 K5 y* M• Studentdinner is amazing! Tuesday is my favourite day of the week! Thank you so much!God Bless :)
# C+ _/ m7 J9 V! B6 [• AbsolutelyFantastic! …amazing and caring volunteers. I thank you [for your] generosity,
  n- j) H1 i+ a) }and everyone[who] supports this blessing given every Tuesday. God Bless…!
" O7 I1 u2 `0 r8 Z  m7 N: ?• I lovechurch dinner! Thanks so much!0 M& r5 w) k& C7 o7 N
The followingemail came from a dinner guest who is now back in his home country: “… My… stayin Victoria has became a beautiful memory which I will never forget. The kindpeople like you impressed me the most. You are serving the people who need helpand accumulating the treasure in the heaven. That is very meaningful. I saw thepower of faith through you and the other ones like you. Hope you have a veryHappy New year!”+ w! ~& s* Y$ Y1 q8 f' _% z  ?
; T# y7 _. _* }/ E/ u. I






Dinner report January 26. Record numbers…447 diners!
+ s: j; ^- w9 d: V- W. |2 I# k  B6 {8 |
We are all amazed! About 447 hungry students showed up for dinner this evening. The line was the longest ever. At several points during the evening we thought we’d run out of food for the first time ever. Yet somehow there was enough, and everyone got lots to eat! How can this be? It’s not really clear to us! Of course we expect there’s a rational explanation, but, hey, we’re a Church, so we thank God for bringing just enough food and enough volunteers. And we’re thankful for all the gracious and patient students who join us each week. Next week you’d better come early. “The Study Hall” is open before 4 pm. We have wireless.


pre-Valentine's day candelit dinner

Bring your sweetie for our pre-Valentine's day candelit dinner


Thanks God!


星期二免费学生晚餐! (March 16, 2010)

[url=viewthread.php?tid=22283]星期二免费学生晚餐! (March 9, 2010)[/url]


星期二免费学生晚餐! (March 23, 2010)

星期二免费学生晚餐! (March 23, 2010)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        免费晚餐-维多利亚学生!
2 x0 }  }' m9 A  u5 D4 C時間: 每星期二晚上69 v: F& U# `: M4 m# B
地址:以馬內利浸信會, 2121 Cedar Hill Cross Road, Victoria, B.C. V8P2R6(維多利亞大學南門)
$ o: T) k2 s6 L( n9 v ; J* _) x4 I! Z! b/ L$ u


星期二免费学生晚餐! (March 30, 2010)

星期二免费学生晚餐! (March 30, 2010)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        免费晚餐-维多利亚学生!
3 ^7 A* z, V2 W& N, h時間: 每星期二晚上64 \8 I4 K3 T) c7 _% E7 B
地址:以馬內利浸信會, 2121 Cedar Hill Cross Road, Victoria, B.C. V8P2R6(維多利亞大學南門)+ ^! Z+ ~8 X, S& \) ?
- G- m' I; d% n& g# }- X3 W% @; A






星期二免费学生晚餐! (Sep 28, 2010)

Next dinner is Tuesday, September 28.; m1 i# f8 G( Q; S3 e5 P; _, i
We’re starting to gear up for the next “no strings attached” student dinner on Tuesday, September 28, 2010.


星期二免费学生晚餐! (Sep 28, 2010)

星期二免费学生晚餐! (Sep 28, 2010)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        免费晚餐-维多利亚学生!3 N& H- U; Y7 K4 ^0 T1 W; E
時間: 每星期二晚上6点
3 F( _0 R- r# Q9 n$ `  @地址:以馬內利浸信會, 2121 Cedar Hill Cross Road, Victoria, B.C. V8P2R6(維多利亞大學南門)- {, p  n* b* E% n" o+ O
8 o$ a1 y! A8 Y' V( x2 n. z
以马内利浸信会邀请维多利亚大学,卡莫森学院,皇家路大学的及其他院校学生,到以马内利浸信会参加每周二晚上免费晚餐。如果你是一个维多利亚大学或其他院校的学生,你希望要吃上热的饭菜,和温馨在家的感觉,欢迎参加每星期二晚上6点免费晚餐!+ n$ c  n9 i: y2 }6 N' Y; G5 n- m. c
Every Tuesday, Free dinner 6:00p.m. at EBC
% \  [3 U  C+ hEmmanuel Baptist Church invites students from the University of Victoria,Camosun College,Royal RoadsUniversity and other Victoria post-secondary institutions, to a free dinner on Tuesday nights. No strings attached. - E& @& i- u! {' D
How to find us Where are we? Easy! We’re nearthe Henderson Roadentrance to UVic, specifically:
2121 Cedar Hill Cross Rd, Victoria, BC; Phone: 250.592.2418If you’re a Uvic and other college studentand you want a hot, home-cooked meal and a few laughs with old and new friends,come on over to Emmanuel on Tuesday nights!


Re: 385 students came for dinner

First Tuesday dinner of the term: 385 students!      + ^( Y& H3 G2 n9 @  ]
        What a great evening! About 385 students came for dinner. There were lots of leftovers. Next week we expect quite a few more students, so it’s a good idea to be there by 5:15 if you want to be sure to avoid the line-up.


465 students at dinner! on October 5

A new record! 465 students at dinner! | Some new events      ( v9 W0 i- n: E' J" S
; [* m2 L- F( xThe volunteers are amazed that on October 5 enough food was contributed to feed all of the 465+ students who arrived for dinner. The downside… a very long line-up beginning at 5:20pm. More and more people are coming early for The Study Hall where we have free wireless and board games available. Students often bring their own games. This week students gave donations of $31.55 for the Mustard Seed Food Bank. This evening’s news sheet is attached (pdf)


星期二免费学生晚餐! (Oct 19, 2010)

免费晚餐-维多利亚学生!# I6 G6 O! n+ r
時間: 每星期二晚上6点
8 f4 J; H# e% {2 U! f地址:以馬內利浸信會, 2121 Cedar Hill Cross Road, Victoria, B.C. V8P2R6(維多利亞大學南門)5 f- k& [7 M4 }

1 \3 W. e/ ]* P, u0 ^以马内利浸信会邀请维多利亚大学,卡莫森学院,皇家路大学的及其他院校学生,到以马内利浸信会参加每周二晚上免费晚餐。如果你是一个维多利亚大学或其他院校的学生,你希望要吃上热的饭菜,和温馨在家的感觉,欢迎参加每星期二晚上6点免费晚餐!
% T& [! j9 J! P; t0 Z2 Q  p; NEvery Tuesday, Free dinner 6:00p.m. at EBC+ C. ]2 l( q4 J, z! J6 J/ ?
Emmanuel Baptist Church invites students from the University of Victoria,Camosun College,Royal RoadsUniversity and other Victoria post-secondary institutions, to a free dinner on Tuesday nights. No strings attached.8 d7 c, F6 |" E+ V4 Y
How to find us Where are we? Easy! We’re nearthe Henderson Roadentrance to UVic, specifically:2121 Cedar Hill Cross Rd, Victoria, BC; Phone: 250.592.2418If you’re a Uvic and other college studentand you want a hot, home-cooked meal and a few laughs with old and new friends,come on over to Emmanuel on Tuesday nights!


星期二免费学生晚餐! (Nov 2, 2010)

星期二免费学生晚餐! (Nov 2, 2010)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        免费晚餐-维多利亚学生!% M- B) ~* V0 E7 s+ v
時間: 每星期二晚上6
; Q6 Q& j; b/ A2 ^* w( S地址:以馬內利浸信會, 2121 Cedar Hill Cross Road, Victoria, B.C. V8P2R6(維多利亞大學南門)2 M4 S/ v$ L3 `2 O6 m: V4 R- N$ O
5 n# l; ^0 K9 T* F3 i! X1 H3 j


星期二免费学生晚餐! (Nov 23, 2010)

It's cold outside, but we're making dinner for students tonight      
- j- s% |$ q/ @* k  |! {         No worries. It takes more than a little cold weather to stop us from making you a hot dinner. So yes… dinner is on tonight. And the study hall is quiet till 4:30. We also have an even quieter study room available for those who need it. See you later!

