
workshop on women's breast health

workshop on women's breast health

The message below is posted for my friend.% I) O. s: V$ _9 G) g( T
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Healthy breast, happy women!

4 r! H; X/ R8 h! S& LFree workshop: Women’s Breast Health( }( `) \& \: y( d/ d
Friday, May 29, 2009% v( t" o( ~" S( I) E5 t  m$ I
1:30 - 2:30 pm3 F2 n& o! R7 R/ `$ A2 ]
Location: ESL room at VIRCS   
3 N8 K, a0 ~* Z" YGuest speaker:3 {0 m' z3 N) a9 X4 [
Shawna  Bond/ Dorothy Yada RN0 N8 T% a$ e* D6 W# V2 \% g" m) N/ x
Victoria Breast Health Centre# ~( \6 d1 V- r, o$ u
Vancouver Island Healthy Authority   
* W8 x' y/ X! b1 E5 X; [
. ^- a4 {: P6 w4 t# ?Drop-ins are welcome. Free refreshments will be provided.
. B7 i- {7 c- E( ~* c# m$ mBreast cancer is one of the most common killer among women in Canada. And about 1% of all breast cancers are diagnosed in men. How can we prevent breast cancer and keep our breasts healthy? This event is helping you to learn how to keep you and your family healthy!) s% U, d/ C9 z, `7 ~+ a, I9 [
Advantages for your coming:
, d  O) E) H# G& o4 u# c) \6 q! Y, {7 v• Attend free workshops on nutrition, exercise and breast health9 \! p# a% T* t* t% F, z$ s1 ]
• Make new women friends and share healthy living ideas
* _2 \  o: k  o- g3 R% v8 Z, w• Receive counselling and support for your health-related concerns1 V* Y, }: G. r9 j9 i
• Meet local health professionals and learn about women’s health
* D( @9 }# W8 Z6 u, ]4 gresources in your community0 v$ M5 u; p" D* p/ L0 M
/ |# F! {: W* a: R" O
Upcoming Workshops
4 T5 @4 A2 d/ O' |+ ^) T* K( R% E) _6 s3 O
Save-On-Foods Nutrition Tours
- O$ p% d0 V- oFriday, June 26, 2009
7 W, ?9 }3 H; L1:00 - 2:30 pm+ b% t7 E& Z+ r& C: C% B* I
Location: 172 Wilson Street, Victoria, BC
! g) v- R7 c  V  G: r1 H& F1 H3 D. L
. M0 N. b3 G& y/ L6 EScreening & Mammography Tours$ b* A% g* Y1 k5 F. A2 G
Thursday, July 30, 2009
* r% g- Q: R- {4 a8 ]1:30 - 2:30 pm
' M% B" D$ \$ I- I" A% vLocation: #230-1900 Richmond Ave
0 X6 W3 t$ j* r- N2 m8 cVictoria Immigrant and Refugee Centre Society & Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation' I( h  s) S6 ]+ L; h# r
Workshops will also be offered in Mandarin Chinese and Spanish. To register and for more information, please call (250) 361-9433 ext 241 or visit 3 e4 V5 g2 w0 {" w% U# Q; M+ `
www.vircs.bc.ca./ Y# K) P7 h! V* D% [5 @
" a" X# C- O) x0 z  m% O  [
Haixia Liu 8 Y/ D; E- B- h4 t/ N7 B
Immigrant Services & workshop Facilitator2 E$ l* [$ w/ c2 H$ u( I  R5 Q
Aaron Gorden Settlement Center
; V: n5 S/ R9 M6 K" H! w+ [; j8 V/ KVictoria Immigrant & Refugee Center Society
0 K' p  s; d. g( h
1 u4 H  C7 v2 d4 I9 j3 rd,Floor, 637 Bay Street  Victoria, BC,  V8T 5L2' z3 }7 \0 h+ U+ W' E
Ph:(250)361-9433 ext 241/ Fax:(250) 361-1914


Womens_breast_health-1.pdf (1.77 MB)

2009-6-2 15:19, 下载次数: 89

