There are 2 rooms in the 2nd floor. You two can share the living room with 52 inches TV and nice couch, dining room, kitchen with stove, refregiator, microwave, and bathroom on 2nd floor..
$900 including heat, internet, cable, laundry,utilities
A Uvic student stay in the 1st floor.
I, landlady, a Camosun student, in the 1st floor. We two share the living,dining ,bathroom,kitchen in 1st floor.
I have Chinese karaOK. You are welcome to sing songs on weekend.
5 mimutes by bus to Uvic. 10 minutes by bus to Camosun. 20 minutes to downtown.
walking distance to fairway, safeway, CIBS and RBC
bus route 17,18,24,25,26,27,28,29,51
my email