Position: Kitcher Supervisor (1,male ONLY), Counter Supervisor (2, male or female)
Work address: North BC
Salary: Starts from $12.25/hr (would be increased as your fluency in English)
Recently Graduated International Students from College or University, with 2-year work permit
Proficient in Oral English
Any Major
Addition Notes:
Employer Sponsership for Immigration as BCPNP
Referral Fee needed
职位: 酒店厨房经理(1,男),大堂经理(2,男女)
时薪: $13 - 20
要求: 近期刚毕业的留学生,持有两年工签, 英语流利,专业任意
注:雇主担保, 帮助办理BCPNP,收取一定中介费用
电话:778-922-2722 或 604-782-3558