

An enjoyable read
  • simple (not pretentious)

  • clean (no clutters)

  • truthful (not trying to be anyone you are not)

  • with some delightfully-worded expressions: e.g., “four willing hands and two open minds”, “loud greetings (or perhaps warnings) from [the animals]”, “the suspicious stare of two alarmed donkeys”...

An enviable experience
  • how nice to be able to get away to live without the internet, the phone, the newspaper and urban ills

  • how "luxurious" to live off the land with its organic produce

  • how spiritually wealthy the experience is to be so close to nature and to our human origin


回复 12# 的帖子

I believe you are right, aman. I may have a very naive understanding of a farmer's life, having been a city person all my life.  Having said that, I am sure I can enjoy a few days living on a farm as a volunteer hand.

And, here is a question for you. Do you think making a living on a farm is easier in Canada than it is in China, generally speaking?


No need to feel ashamed, xzms! We are all good at something or other. I am sure your photography skills could put many of us to shame. But I'd rather admire you for your mastery of photography than feeling bad about myself

