


Andrew Weaver, MLA Oak Bay-Goldon Head 将在下个星期二 January 14th from 7 to 9pm Oak Bay Recreation Centre Lounge, 1975 Bee St. 主持市政厅会议。将有三个发言人分析目前这个污水处理方案的投入和效果,提议一个更有效合理的方案。Andrew Weaver,是绿党的代表。他反对目前这个方案,告诉我们什么? 这个项目的设计没有改善大维的环境。为什么要花这么多钱?For face lifting and government one-fit-all rule that doesn't fit for Victoria.



Town Hall: Towards a Better Sewage Plan
It is an issue that affects the entire Capital Regional District, and the largest, costliest infrastructure project in our history. The $783 million proposed CRD (now re-branded as Seaterra) secondary sewage treatment plan will potentially see treatment plants built at the entrance to Victoria Harbour in Esquimalt, at Hartland and with a twinned 18km pipeline connecting the two. Yet, despite assurances from the CRD that the program will come in on time, on budget and meet the needs of the region, vocal opposition from community groups, Esquimalt council, and residents around Hartland have called into question the integrity and costs of the plan.
Is there are better way forward, and if so, how can we get to a cost effective sewage plan that meets the region’s needs for now and the future? This will be the focus of a Town Hall featuring panelists with knowledge and experience of the CRD sewage program, and the local municipal political scene.

Tuesday, January 14th from 7 to 9pm
Oak Bay Recreation Centre Lounge, 1975 Bee St.
Everyone Welcome

Panelists are:  Chris Corp, co-founder and CEO of Pivotal IRM Inc. (Integrated Resource Management);  Lisa Helps, City of Victoria Councillor;  Richard Atwell, director of The Rite Plan. The presentations will cover where the current CRD plan stands now, the elements, benefits and costs of a better plan, and the potential routes towards achieving that goal.

This will be followed with a public question and answer period. The evening will be moderated by Andrew Weaver.


谢谢楼上的意见!在我以前的贴子里,已经引述了不少正方和反方的理论。Andrew Weaver在选举前,在所有候选人与华人社区见面的时候,也对这个污水处理的设计方案的利弊、投入 和 收效 说得很清楚。

我在上面的贴子里,是提倡大家去参与会议,去自己听一听。我本人参加了两方辩论的会议和很多CRD的会议,有录像的我也贴在这个网站了。很遗憾除了自己的工作,参加这些会议和做志愿者,我没有时间把每次会议我听到的都录音下来,再翻译成中文。 那将是个full time job。我参与了那么多会议后,我觉得这个设计方案实在是浪费纳税人的钱。坐等这个方案设施后,在后悔没有做点什么去影响决策者就迟了。

这种事已经不只发生一次了。BC的Fast Ferry项目,没有做足够的enviroment impact analysis 就上,结果船造好后,使用后对环境的负面影响太大,不能用,三文不值二文地卖个了美国一个私人公司。这个私人公司一转手卖出去赚了一大笔。蒙特利尔的机场是另一个例子。建好了没用。


