
在 BC FERRIES 工作如何?

也许运气好,会是个DP Plan呢。下面是谷歌出来的:

Reader: Does the member own his or her contribution to the pension pool or does the pension corporation own it? (Former BC Ferries employee)

Pallone: Your question can be taken a number ways so I’ll attempt to address it based on what most plan members mean when they ask about their contributions whenever I’ve attended plan member meetings over the years. Your contributions are yours to the extent that they are used to provide your pension at retirement. The B.C. Ferry Corp. pension plan is a defined benefit, multi-employer pension plan (under the terms of the Public Service Pension Plan) so the company assumes overall responsibility for funding the pension benefit payable under the plan’s terms, but your contributions also fund the pension benefit. So you could say you ‘own’ it, but you can’t have it except under the terms of the plan. Who owns any potential surplus funding under the plan is a whole other topic and often results in one of those answers that starts with, “it depends.” Unfortunately, I don’t have enough space here to answer that question fully or appropriately.

Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/news ... .html#ixzz2FyrqXf5r

