
B.Net Acct (World of Warcraft; SCII Collector's Edition) For Sell

B.Net Acct (World of Warcraft; SCII Collector's Edition) For Sell

***** Blizzard Entertainment Battle Net Account (World of Warcraft & SCII Collector's Edition & more) for sell *****


Before I get into further details, I just want to say that it is heart-broken for me that I am selling this 5 years of memories with Blizzard Entertainment. I've been playing blizzard game since Starcraft 1 & Diablo 1 12 years ago. Since I will be working full time on a management team plus graduate courses on top.. I just had to drop my gaming time. Therefore this is my time to say goodbye..

With that being said - I am selling my Battle Net Account which includes the following:


World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft - The Burning Crusade (Collector's Edition) ($130 value)
World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King (Collector's Edition) ($130 value)

Warcraft 3 & The Frozen Thron (Battle Chest combination set)

Diablo II

Starcraft II (Collector's Edition) ($130 value)


With the purchase you will get all the information in the accounts & original 100% well kept boxes of Collector's Editions

All the collector's edition are in [ 100% shape ] - it has only been open for install / activate in battle net account and all other items are still in the cases. No scratches, no damages. Not even a finger print.


What is in my World of Warcraft Account:

10 Active / geared for its level Characters: (All characters are in good names, good reputation on server, no random names like zsdgshasru etc; epic ground & flying mounts; duel specs on)

All characters has [ collector's edition ] pets (netherwing, frosty & starcraft 2); & also Panda Pet that I purchased on blizzard store. Also all the blizzard anniversary bears

Below is a full list of characters, specs and professions. PLEASE NOTE I only put down highlights.. this does not conclude ALL the items the character carries

Cooking, First Aid trained. Fishing 400+ on Death Knight (didn't bother to level fishing on all characters)

All my characters other than my raiding priest are in my own guild (which only includes my own characters, 6 tabs banks and well organized. I am the guild master and this allows me to have quick bank access on ALL my characters).

Among all 10 characters PLUS the items in the bank there is approximate [ 30k+ ] gold for you to play around with. (20k cash, 10k+ at least in bank item values)

All 10 characters has all 7 bank tabs activated. Everything single bag slot is equipped with at least 18 slots bags. Mostly are all equipped with 20 slots bags.

Plenty of spare Emblem of Frost to spear across the characters.

Lv 80 NE Hunter (450 Skinning / 450 Engineering) - 5.2k GS. Duel specced BM (farming) & Surv (raiding) WG Ground Mount. Iron Forge Ground Mount. Netherwing Flying Mount. OS Drake. Have two spirit pets in the stall. (Spirit Bear & Spirit Wolf - Skoll) Have Broken Tooth as main pet and the reason being - I caught this pet back in Vanilla - it is a rare cat that doesn't spawn very often. I campped a good whole week in Badlands to tame it. (It was quite hard to do so back in Vanilla given at that time this is the best DPS pet available) Geared ready for ICC. This is my 4th focused character and also the one existed the longest (since day 1 of World of Warcraft)

Lv 80 HM Priest (450 Tailor / 450 Enchanting) - 6k GS Holy / Disc & 5.8k GS in Shadow DPS. ICC 10 HM Flying Drake. Brewfest Ground Mount. This is my main focused character that is known for a great healer on server. This is the only character not in my own guild and is currently in a serious ICC 10 HM raiding guild. You can choose to stay or to leave for another guild. Two healed 7/12 as holy before ICC nerf in the pugs. Has the popular Tailor & Enc recipes

Lv 58 NE Druid (~300 Herb / ~300 Alch) - 1.4k GS Feral Tank (reason being fastest random queue for faster leveling). BiS Hairloom equipped. Epic Ground Mount.

Lv 56 Gnome Warlock (~300 Herb / ~100 Mining) - 1.4k GS Aff Lock (for soloing / random queue). BiS Hairloom equipped (some caster items shared). Epic Felsteel Ground Mount. The reason I stopped mining is because I have too many mining characters and wanted to swap it to Inscription - which is the ONLY professions that I do not have maxed out

Lv 72 DR Shaman (450 Skinning / 445 Leatherworking) - 2.5k GS. Duel specced in Elemental & Resto so you can choose to solo leveling or faster random queue as a healer. BiS Hairloom equipped (some caster items shared). Epic Ground & Flying Mount.

Lv 68 DR Paladin (375 Mining / 375 Blacksmith) - 2.5k GS. Duel specced in Proc & Ret so you can choose to solo leveling or faster random queue as a tank. Proc set is so well equipped that I am usually the top DPS in random pug and a sick amount of Health Pool. As long as you don't have a healer that AFK on you you can tank a group of mobs without dying easily. Epic Ground Mount and regular flying mount available. (Epic flying mount is not available until level 70)

Lv 80 DR Warrior (450 Mining / 450 JC) - 5.3k GS in Proc and 5k in Fury. This character was mainly focused on tanking. This is my 3rd focused character. Great health pool for its GS and capable of tanking raids. Epic Flying & Ground Mounts. Has the most popular needed recipes for JC

Lv 80 HM Death Knight (450 Mining / 450 Blacksmith) - 5.7k GS in Blood Tank and 5.4k GS in Blood DPS. This character was also mainly focused on tanking. This is my 2nd focused character. Special mounts includes Baron Mount (suits DK extremely well) & Netherwing Flying Mount. Great heal pool for its GS and capable of tanking raids.

Lv 80 NE Rogue (450 Herb / 450 Alch) - 4k GS in Multilate. Good dps for its GS. This character was twinked for fun to 80. BiS Hairloom items. I would still random queue this charater until it is raid ready. This character is mainly for the purpose of alch transmute & crafting pots for raids. Epic flying & ground mounts.

Lv 80 HM Mage (450 Tailor / 450 Enchanting) - 4k GS in Arcane. Good dps for its GS. This character was twinked for fun to 80. BiS Hairloom items. I would still random queue this character until it is raid ready. Due to exact same spec available on the priest I didn't spend too many shards to buy recipes. Epic flying & ground mounts.

As you can see - My set up is well rounded that whatever craft & consumption items I need - I will just make everything myself. When I get a new piece of equipment that need enchant I have priest to do it; and warrior to cut the gems (and yes.. I have plenty of characters that are exalted for Northrend reputations to buy epic enchants for head slot and shoulder slot). Death Knight to make Belt Buckle.. plenty of material farming characters and so on.. you get the idea. This account gives you so much flexibilities that if you want to play seriously - you have the characters to do so; or if you want to play twinks - you have well geared ones for the entertainments

Again this is just the general idea of what you are buying for. There is no way for me to listed all the items / equipments and everything else. This ad will get way too long if I do that. One thing I can ensure is that you will not regret to purchase this account.


With all that info.. the following is regarding to the transaction:

***** PLEASE NOTE I only accept face to face transactions - that is why I prefer local trade. No Paypal, NO credit card. [[ Cash only ]].

What happens in the transaction:

1. We will do the trade in front of a PC / Notebook that has internet available so that you see what you are paying for and we can confirm all the listed characters above are true

2. After me, the seller, receive the payment, I will re-activate my World of Warcraft account and we will log in together to confirm everything in game. The one month from me is free. That is why I do not want to re-activate my account until the trade so that you get every bit of the hours in it.

3. After checking everything in game; we will go through everything in the boxes of collector's edition. I will not walk away until you, the buyer, are satisfied with the purchase.

I am only interested in selling the whole package together, not interested in selling the account and the collector's edition separate.

Priced as listed or OBO - basically you are buying 5 years of work PLUS the well kept collectors edition.

If you are interested with this purchase, or if you have any question or concern, please do not hesitate to contact me via e-mail ( hiben_tw@hotmail.com) and I will more than happy to answer any of the question you may have (serious buyers only so we don't waste each other's time please)

I know this is a very long ad. Thank you kindly for your time spent reading this. If you read through all the way down to the bottom seems to me you are interested in the purchase enough so please feel free to contact me. Have a wonderful weekend.

(Note: Yes I can speak / read / communicate in Chinese.. I am currently on a Company owned PC that cannot type Chinese.. )

