
盘点加拿大大学 (感觉很有道理) 但是UVIC得没看懂

盘点加拿大大学 (感觉很有道理) 但是UVIC得没看懂

UofT is for nerds with no social life.

Western is for cool students that get laid often.

McMaster is for UofT rejects that can afford to avoid York.

Queens is for smart and rich white kids.

Waterloo is for computer geeks.

York is for GTA dumbasses.

Ryerson is for average students seeking practical skills for employment.

McGill is for prestige whores.

Concordia is for Arabs.

UBC is for Asians seeking a career in booming Asia.

SFU is for Asians whom were rejected by UBC.

UVic is for tree-huggers.

UofA is for smart rednecks.

UofC is for dumb rednecks.

UdeM is for smart separatists.

UQAM is for dumb separatists.

Dalhousie is for drunks.

Memorial is for fishermen.

Trent is for gays.

Guelph is for farmers.

UOttawa is for aspiring politicians.

Carleton is for great basketball players.


UBC 和 SFU真是颇有道理

