
[求助信息] 大家是怎样用extended health care 的?


  • Sorry, can not type chinese now. As for the MSP coverage for acupuncture, usually, you have to get the premium assistance to get it covered for $23.00 for 10 times every calendar year. Please see below:

For MSP beneficiaries receiving premium assistance, MSP pays $23 per visit for a combined annual limit of 10 visits each calendar year for the following services: chiropractic, massage therapy, naturopathy, physical therapy and non-surgical podiatry. Effective April 1, 2008, acupuncture services will be included among the choice of services within the ten visit limit. Those who may be eligible for these supplementary benefit services include:
  • Income Assistance recipients
  • Convention refugees
  • Inmates of B.C. Correctional Facilities
  • Individuals enrolled with MSP through the At Home Program
  • Residents of long term care facilities receiving the Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS)
  • Individuals enrolled with MSP as Mental Health Clients
  • First Nations individuals with valid B.C. Medical Plan coverage through the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch of Health Canada.

As for coverage for the glasses, it depends on your plan. This year's UVIC graduate student's plan covers up to 200 dollars prescribed glasses, including sun glasses with prescription.  UVIC's graduate student's plan also need doctor's referral for the massage.

If you are working, usually the plan is better than a student's plan. You want to check with your plan administrator to make sure it's covereage. As for massage and acunpuncture, plan is different from one another. Some plans may require registered massagist or registered acunpunturist in order to claim.


其实要是打算用的话. 现在应该赶快用,因为这些服务都是有报销的上限的,一般的上限都是以年度计的, (CALENDAR YEAR). 如果现在用的话,还是2009 年的,过了一月份,就是2010年的了. 尤其要是补牙之类花销大的,应该计划好,



以下就以学生的保险为例讲一下吧. 比如UVIC 的研究生的 MASSAGE, ACUPUNCTURE, 是250一年的上限, 要求DOCTOR REFFERAL, 就是说,你先去找个医生,跟他说你怎么不舒服,他就给你开个处方说你应该去按摩或针灸, 拿着处方,就可以找个注册MASSAGIST, ACUNPUNCTURIST 联系了. 如果有MSP COVERAGE 的话,他一般就直接减掉了,他可以根据你的CARECARD 查你有没有MSP COVERAGE.一般你都先付钱拿收据,这点和买药和牙医不一样.

拿着单据回来,填写报销单, 把医生的REFERRAL, ORIGINIAL RECEIPT 和报销单一起寄给保险公司,最好自己留个复印件.每次还要扣10元钱. 剩下的都报,但是每年不能超过250,年指的是从一月到12月底.


