
2010 loving warning to leaders in the world (New Prediction)

2010 loving warning to leaders in the world (New Prediction)


Dear ChenjianXiaoqi.:
        People has seen the terrible Haiti earthquake at the  beginning of year 2010,when and where
willthe next great disaster tack place ”? this is the hot topic in thisperiod ,of course ,it is also the wonder question that all countries’ stop leaders eager to know.

        We had talked many times in our “2009 public prophecies  ”(website:
)and “2010 loving warning to  the world” (website:
about place ,time and which kind of tragedy  will occur future .
in order to avoid creating large unnecessary scare to general public,We can not talk exact time and location publicly, only when top leadersof each countries come to visit ,can we tell their country’s comingdisaster as well as the solving plan.

        We  are a family ,I love all of you.


first February  2010


  We proved master YunFeng's prediction which include airplanecrash/accident prediction (Asian,Africa, Europe, and America),earthquake (happen frequently) prediction (pay close attention toEurope and America), international official death prediction, weatherprediction and so on. Haiti earthquake prediction also was proved.Hisprecious prophecies like a light in the darkness lighting up thedifficulty road ,giving hope of life and peace to entire humankind.

YunFeng's prediction witness: Chen Jian, Xiao Qi

Three great predictions will keep on going
—-Loving  warning to the world of 2010 from prophet Yunfeng
Inthe old oriental, great Chinese scientist ,philanthropist, disasterprophet, hermit, spiritual master and model— Yunfeng, careless aboutfame and profit, he taking his prophecy as a useful way to heal theworld, helping countries to preventing nature disaster unselfishly,saving human being from dangerous by knowing it in advance, whole worldfeel his universal love and warm .In 2009 ,prophet Yunfeng’s 3 greatpredictions—airplane crash/accident prediction, earthquake prediction,international official death prediction all was proved. his preciousprophecies like a light in the darkness lighting up the difficulty road,giving hope of life and peace to entire humankind.
InJan 1.2010 , Master Yunfeng give warning to the world again with love :3 great predictions ,airplane crash/accident prediction, earthquakeprediction, international official death prediction ,will come to truecontinually ,please pay attention continually about it. wish all globalpeople care prophet Yunfeng and his warning, wish president Obama haveformal meeting with Master Yunfeng, wish all countries’ s top leaderhave formal meeting with Master Yunfeng in order to benefit theircountry and their people.
Introduction  of master Yunfeng’s prediction:
First:  introduction of master Yunfeng’s Airplane crash/accident prediction
Infeb 2009,master Yunfeng left a message ,he wrote:” Airplanecrash/accident will take place frequently this year in Asia, African,Europe, America, please pay attention to it .”the prediction article’swebsite is .this special emphasis is a remind of the events that willhappen in the future .in 2009,very soon after his prophecy, Frenchairline crash ,Yemen airplane crash ,Iran airline crash shocked theworld. According to rough statistics, there are altogether over 220  small and big airplane  crash/accidents in 2009.the  website of the detail is:
Second  : introduction of master Yunfeng’s earthquake prediction
InJune 2009, master Yunfeng predicted that earthquake would occur veryfrequently in the world , he reminded particularly paying closeattention to Europe and America area. prevention work of disastershould be take” , the website of the detail is: .later 2009, many earthquake news was heard from media, Indonisia and Haiti  earthquake proved master Yunfeng ’s predition. the website of the detail is:.
third  : introduction of master Yunfeng’s international death prediction
InJuly 2009,when Master Yunfeng chat online, he mentioned that “byobserving the astronomical phenomena , this year many death news aboutMinisterial person (include people equal to Ministerial person) in theworld and people up this grade would be heard , later from Zhuo Lin(widow of China’s late leader Deng Xiaoping),Philippine formerpresident, Corazon Aquino, Former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung,to Edward M. Kennedy, U.N. official dead in Haiti earthquake, manyfamous stars left this world. the website of the detail is:.
Comments:life is priceless, safe is priceless .humankind sames so weak when meetlarge disaster. having a safe and peace world is all humankind and allcountries leader’s dream, yet the right way did not been found so far,even president Obama .human being suffer a lot because can not predictnature hazards ,even U.N. official dead in Haiti earthquake can notavoid. very luckily, now Chinese prophet Yunfeng can predict largenature disaster like airplane crash/accident, earthquake, death .thereare many news again and again prove his correct predictions. due to hisuniversal love and unique study fruition , it is undoubtedly worth thatall scientists and countries’ s leaders to pay attention and formalmeeting. to solving nature hazards and keep people from its suffer, themost effective method is Master Yunfeng’s disaster prediction.meanwhile ,his love can point a future direction to humankind. Weshould appeal to president Obama have formal meeting with MasterYunfeng , all countries’ s top leader have formal meeting with MasterYunfeng in order to preventing hazards and benefit their country andtheir people.
Note: in case of legalconsideration and avoiding make scare to relative area and people ,somaster Yunfeng always did not write his airplane crash/accidentprediction, earthquake prediction, international official deathprediction both in very detail and publicly.
Love Site: http://www.512-china.com
Prediction Site: http://www.512-china.org
Chinese Blog: http://cishanxingdao.blog.sohu.com
English Blog: http://chenjian.wordpress.com
Email:  chejian2046@hotmail.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
yunfeng@188.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Phone Number: (646)861-9042


About Haiti Earthquake

Dear President Obama:
    I'm Chen Jian from china who contacted you for many times since 2008. I want give Chinese prophet Yunfeng’ words to you for love information .see ,In early 2009, after master Yunfeng predicted "Asia, Africa, Europe, and America" air crash and air accident, air crash and air accident happened frequently in the world more than past years. This kind of disaster will happen continuely . But this year even one single air crash did not happen in China. You  should deeply think its reason. this is only one example of prophet Yunfeng’ power .I have important news to you here.

   On Jan 7, 2010. prophet YunFeng sent two special data to me as bellow:

What is the meaning , can your guess it? And why I send to you?
   On Jan 11, 2010, I sent a letter to white house. The letter expresses three predictions which will validate continually. very soon, On Jan 12. 2010, 7.0 earthquake happened in  Haiti which made great loss in the history. was that 20100111-20100112?then what is the second data’s meaning? can you understand its meaning? And why I send to you? It’s your decision, it just dependent on you. dear president. Every prophecy will come to true. believe my words. please!

    The world should have one mutual spiritual leader. He must get all people's respect  include religious people and religious leader. If so, terrorist attack and terrorist organizations will disappear and the whole world of course , even your country will come to peace. Otherwise, United States will not get rid of threaten which comes from terrorist. The world cannot get peace. The spiritual leader is master Yunfeng who can predict disaster, weather, earthquake, and air crash. He is a compassion angel of god. If you want to solve Afghanistan and Central Asia's problem, then you must trust and depend on Master YunFeng.

    As a president, you said "United States prepare to help Haiti" in the first time. I can feel  your  heart. You are a people who understand love and are a president in USA. You should know the world needs one mutual spiritual leader He will lead people find intercommunity in all religions. He can lead people who understand the love and their life.  love will be only one rule and religion, and we are taking action by prophet Yunfeng’ teaching.

    Recent several years, disasters happened frequently in the world. Death rate increases year by year. If the world  do not have people who can predict weather, earthquake, and air crash, then this earthquake disaster also happen possiblely in USA. It does not only hit Haiti or only China. If white house be damaged in earthquake, then how do you deal with the situation. This disaster will cause huge lose in the society .very Fortunately, California magnitude 6.5 earthquakes happened in USA did not bring big loss. This was a miracle. I have sent lots of letters to USGS and other earthquake research center. But there was not response for that. Mr. Obama Please think that you become president in the beginning  in 2009,why  you always get good luck ? I think you must formal visit Yunfeng with your soul.

    I am an 80s man, and I love the world. I have a suggestion to you. You should solve problem by your soul, and you should show your love to the whole world. The war cannot solve anything. The key is the world should have uniform spiritual leader.

    Master Yunfeng is yellow skin people. In the history, only Chinese can predict future thing and get accurate result in the world. Master Yunfeng is a such kind angel who can help you a lot and always blesse you, before and now you even do not know. I hope you can get master Yunfeng's blessing forever.

    I am an emissary of universal love, Chen Jian, Master Yunfeng's only contact channel in the world.

2010-01-18 | Unique Spirit Leader -- Master YunFeng

Jan 8.2010,after letter sent。Jan 12,Haiti 7.0 earthquake happened,over 100,000 people die!

Jan 15.2010,second letter sent,20100111-20100112-201001217,pay close attention this data, and realize that!

YunFeng Love Site: http://www.512-china.com/English/Info.asp?infoid=196

YunFeng Prediction Site:  http://www.512-china.org
Chinese Blog: http://cishanxingdao.blog.sohu.com

Chen Jian: (646)861-9042


good morning my friend, begin to proved the YunFeng's new prediction in 2010

Strong Earthquake Reported Off Northern California Coast

2010 loving warning to leaders in the world (New Prediction)

Dear Chenjian,Xiaoqi.:

        People has seen the terrible Haiti earthquake at the beginning of year 2010,“when and where  will the next great disaster tack place ”? this is the hot topic in this period ,of course ,it is also the wonder question that all countries’ s top leaders eager to know.

        We had talked many times in our “2009 public prophecies ”(website:   )and “2010 loving warning to the world” (website:   )  about place ,time and which kind of tragedy will occur future . in order to avoid creating large unnecessary scare to general public, We can not talk exact time and location publicly, only when top leaders of each countries come to visit ,can we tell their country’s coming disaster as well as the solving plan.

        We are a family ,I love all of you.



first February 2010

Chinese version:




   We proved master YunFeng's prediction which include airplane crash/accident prediction (Asian,Africa, Europe, and America), earthquake (happen frequently) prediction (pay close attention to Europe and America), international official death prediction, weather prediction and so on. Haiti earthquake prediction also was proved.His precious prophecies like a light in the darkness lighting up the difficulty road ,giving hope of life and peace to entire humankind.

YunFeng's prediction witness: Chen Jian, Xiao Qi

YunFeng Love Site: http://www.512-china.com/English/Info.asp?infoid=196

YunFeng Prediction Site:  http://www.512-china.org
Chinese Blog: http://cishanxingdao.blog.sohu.com

Chen Jian: (646)861-9042


Air Crashes and Air Accidents Prediction Proved

Air Crashes and Air Accidents (asia african europe  and american area)

on June 26 2009,Master yunfeng reminded attention to Asia -African-Europe airplane disaster should increase to asia african europe andamerican area.the scope is enlarged.he knows about all details ,but cannot tell publicly for avoiding fear in society.french airway tragedyattracted world's attention,many airplane accident and crash event hasbeen recorded in our blog .recently Yemen airway bad newshappened,later,IRAN airplane crash shocked world again.let us see whatwill happen in future,we will know the meaning of the master 'swords.new airplane news will be continually added in the article.hereis only the air accidents and crash after 30th June 2009.

Overheated Calm Air Flight Returns to Canadian Airport

JAL Engine Fire Safe Landing

NW Emergency Landing in Buffalo

American Airlines Emergency Landing in Providenciales

Qantas Tail Strike

Atlas Air Jet Part Falls on Miami area Parking Lot

Cracked Windshield Delays Airbus Flight

PAK Gamers Delayed by Airbus Flight

Smoking Engine. Flybe Loganair Diverts to Wick


International Death Prediction Proved

February 3, 2010 – 3:39 am
Rabat: 1/2/2010

The Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO)mourned Dr Azzedine Laraki, former OIC Secretary General, and formerPrime Minister in the government of the Kingdom of Morocco, who passedaway, Monday morning, at the age of 81.

In an obituary released today, ISESCO said that Dr Azzedine Laraki wasone of the outstanding Muslim personalities who performed a major rolein promoting joint Islamic action, during the period from 1997 to 2000when he assumed the position of Secretary General of the Organizationof the Islamic Conference. He worked towards fulfilling theOrganization’s goals and expanding its outreach at the internationallevel in a bid to strengthen the bonds of Islamic solidarity amongMember States.

In the same vein, ISESCO pointed out that the deceased served asMinister of education before occupying the position of Prime Ministerin the Moroccan government. He was also an Aggregate Professor at theFaculty of Medicine, Mohammed V University, and Member of the Academyof the Kingdom of Morocco since its inception. During all the stages ofhis life, he worked towards the promotion of the values of Arab Islamicculture and contributed to the development of the intellectual andscientific resurgence in his country as part of his strong belief inthe Islamic civilizational mission.

2009-08-27 | A international death prediction

In July 2009,when Master Yunfeng chat online,he mentioned that “byobserving the astronomical phenomena , this year many death news aboutMinisterial person (include people equal to Ministerial person) in theworld and people up this grade would be heard ,for this is not his thisyear’s main prediction,I did not pay attention on it,but later fromZhuo Lin( widow of China’s late leader Deng Xiaoping),Philippine formerpresident, Corazon Aquino, Former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung,to Edward M. Kennedy,many famous stars left this world.I am also verycurious about this ,will such thing really come to true in thefuture?Let’s pay attention on it.


Earthquake Prediction Proved

on June 2009,master Yunfeng foretold that earthquake would frequentlytake place in the world, especially in europ and america,internationalshould get reday for against disaster.serial of earthquakes happened inthe follow day.for avoiding unnecessary scare,he could not tell thedatails like time and location of disaster.let us see what will occurin the furture days.this earthquake records as a prove of hisprediction words.the records will be added when new earthquake be heardon media or newspaper.


Summarize of the communication with USGS

MAP         5.2          2010/02/03 02:18:27          -58.953           -25.695          35.0          SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION
MAP         5.0          2010/02/02 23:35:29          -22.786          -112.103         10.0          EASTER ISLAND REGION
MAP         5.3          2010/02/02 21:11:16          -22.878          -112.182         10.0          EASTER ISLAND REGION
MAP         5.0          2010/02/02 06:45:06           -0.322           -16.199         10.0          NORTH OF ASCENSION ISLAND
MAP         6.2          2010/02/01 22:28:18           -6.102           154.424         33.0          BOUGAINVILLE REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP         5.1          2010/01/31 15:18:45          -18.751           169.394         231.5          VANUATU
MAP         5.1          2010/01/31 09:55:46          -25.489          -176.662         35.0          SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS
MAP         5.3          2010/01/31 07:02:47           -2.920           100.863         61.7          KEPULAUAN MENTAWAI REGION, INDONESIA
MAP         5.0          2010/01/31 02:01:10          -20.897          -178.653         544.5          FIJI REGION

MAP     5.1      2010/02/06 07:55:51       -8.151       147.729     113.8      EASTERN NEW GUINEA REG, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP     6.1      2010/02/06 04:45:00       46.967       152.731     35.0      KURIL ISLANDS
MAP     5.1      2010/02/05 09:48:47      -44.783       167.375     5.0      SOUTH ISLAND OF NEW ZEALAND
MAP     6.2      2010/02/05 06:59:07      -47.891       99.695     10.0      SOUTHEAST INDIAN RIDGE
MAP     5.1      2010/02/05 06:48:12       40.637       135.646     386.6      SEA OF JAPAN
MAP     5.2      2010/02/05 00:46:16      -24.696      -116.067     10.0      SOUTHERN EAST PACIFIC RISE

Strong Earthquake Reported Off Northern California Coast

Love Site: http://www.512-china.com

Prediction Site: http://www.512-china.org

Chinese Blog: http://cishanxingdao.blog.sohu.com

English Blog: http://chenjian.wordpress.com

Email: chejian2046@hotmail.comThis


Phone Number: (646)861-9042


Prediction Proved Information About Weather


Three great predictions will keep on going




2010 loving warning to leaders in the world (New Prediction)



(CNN) — The mid-Atlantic region continued digging out Monday from the weekend’s record blizzard, but snow-weary residents learned of a new winter storm due in the area on Tuesday.

The National Weather Service issued a winter storm warning, with predictions of another 10 to 20 inches of snow, for northern Virginia and eastern Maryland, including the District of Columbia, beginning Tuesday afternoon and continuing through Wednesday.

“A winter storm warning means significant amounts of snow are expected or occurring,” said the statement from the weather service facility in Sterling, Virginia. “The combination of snow and strong winds will make travel very hazardous.”

If as severe as predicted, the new storm would be the third major snowfall to hit the nation’s capital and surrounding region in just over seven weeks.

In last weekend’s blizzard, a record 32.4 inches of snow fell on Washington’s Dulles International Airport over two days, breaking a January 7-8, 1996, record of 23.2 inches.

Federal workers in Washington, with the exception of emergency employees, stayed home Monday and students in most schools in the nation’s capital got a snow day.

Many residents who spent the weekend playfully making snowmen and hurling snowballs also grumbled as they shoveled hip-high snow from driveways.

“The streets are pretty well covered,” Kingsley Barreto said Sunday about his subdivision in Gaithersburg, Maryland.

“No cars coming in or out of here. Hopefully everyone in the community has enough supplies to last them for a little while, because it doesn’t look like we’re going anywhere anytime soon,” Barreto said in a post he submitted to iReport, a CNN Web site that allows people to submit information, pictures and videos.

Watch Barreto’s iReport on his neighborhood

Crews worked around the clock to clear roads and repair power lines, warning that it might take days to restore electricity to some customers from Pennsylvania to Virginia.

Two of Dulles’ four runways were open Monday morning, and officials hoped to have a third open later in the day, said Courtney Mickalonis of the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority.

The situation there is “getting back to normal,” Mickalonis said.

But airport officials asked travelers not to go there without confirmed flights.

Reagan National Airport was scheduled to reopen at 10 a.m. Monday, with flights resuming on a limited basis, the airport authority said. Travelers were urged to check with airlines on flight schedules before heading to the airport.

Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport was open Monday, with limited service, spokesman Jonathan Dean said.

One of the two runways opened Sunday night, and some flights landed, Dean said. However, airport authorities expect carrier delays and cancellations because of the backlog.

Are you there? Share your winter weather photos, video

Airport crews were dealing with a refreeze from overnight, but officials intended to have both runways open by the end of Monday.

Amtrak canceled several trains Sunday after trees and power lines fell on tracks, the train service said. Dozens of Greyhound bus trips in mid-Atlantic states also were canceled, the company said on its Web site. And officials across the region advised drivers to stay off slick roads.

“Everybody’s just trying to clean up and get a little bit ahead of the game before the next round comes,” said Michelle Timberlake, who lives on a farm in Boyce, Virginia, about two hours west of Washington.

The interior designer found herself running through a mountain of snow when about 40 cows escaped from the pasture on her husband’s farm in search of food and shelter.

“This was not what I imagined for myself,” she said Sunday, laughing about the experience.

Relative Prediction Proved

Panic Situation Will Be Happened in USA

Validate " Panic Situation Will Be Happened in USA"(1)

Validate " Panic Situation Will Be Happened in USA"(2)

Validate " Panic Situation Will Be Happened in USA"(3)

Validate " Panic Situation Will Be Happened in USA"(4)

2008-07-28 | Detail of words (YunFeng and some internet user) 2008 (Summer) | The Prediction of USA's Summer in 2008

Validate Panic Situation in USA(5)

Validate Panic Situation in USA(6)

Validate Panic Situation in USA(7)

Validate Panic Situation in USA(8)

Validate " Panic Situation Will Be Happened in USA"(9)

Validate " Panic Situation Will Be Happened in USA"(10)

2008-11-12 | 2008 (Winter) |The Prediction of USA's Winter in 2008

2008 (Winter) |The Prediction of USA's Winter in 2008 validate(1)

2008 (Winter) |The Prediction of USA's Winter in 2008 -- person die validate (2)

2008 (Winter) |The Prediction of USA's Winter in 2008 ---- validate (3)

2008 (Winter) | The Prediction of USA's Winter in 2008 ---- validate(4)

2008 (Winter) |validate(5) ---- Death linked to wintry weather

2009 (Winter keep) | validate(6) ---- Winter storm blamed for deaths, widespread outages

2009-1-18 | Don't go to the east of USA (2009 Prediction)

Validated "Don't go to the east of USA"

2010 loving warning to leaders in the world (New Prediction)

Love Site: http://www.512-china.com

Prediction Site: http://www.512-china.org

Chinese Blog: http://cishanxingdao.blog.sohu.com

English Blog: http://chenjian.wordpress.com

Email: chejian2046@hotmail.com


Phone Number: (646)861-9042


The letter to Barack Obama which sent on Feb 8, 2010

云峰大师的爱是前无古人的。他一直关爱着世人,拯救着世人;包括一直在关爱着美国,关爱着奥巴马,加持奥巴马你。但你却有视无睹,未来的灾难如果你们提前知道,会是美国人 民的福音,而且可以对灾难有很好的预防。如果,你们不来拜见云峰大师,你们的政治生涯将会产生危机,甚至会被弹劾。
No one equal YunFeng’s love. He cares and loves common people all thetime. He saves common people. It includes USA and Barack Obama, He isblessing you (Barack Obama). But you didn’t see that. If disasters youhear before it happen, and then it will be good news. You also canprevent this disaster for people in USA. If you do not formal visitmaster YunFeng, then your political life will produce crisis, even youwill get trouble.










2009年 10月5日
Below is message Master YunFeng sent to me, please pay attention to this:
Dear Chenjian,
The prediction of “the great event of USA “is being witness!
Please pay attention to that continually.
Wish president Obama visit me as early as possible for people in USA!
Wish USA people get the love from Me!
Wish people in the world get love from Me!
fifth,Octomber 2009 ln CHINA.


世 界种族之间的抗衡源于种族歧视导致的精神失衡。几年前,美国911飞机恐怖袭击事件就是一种很好的诠释。毋庸置疑,这是文化与宗教的相互抗衡所导致的结果。世界上,大多数国家元首都是希望世界和平的。但是,你们却没有一条正确的路去实现这个愿景。美国总统奥巴马是这样,阿富汗领袖本.拉登也是如此。在世界的东方,伟大的科学家、慈善家、精神领袖–云峰大师,犹如黑夜中一座灯塔一般,为我们照亮了前进中的路途,使我们体会到了博爱的精髓。他不图名、不图利,以博爱作为救世良方,悬壶济世,治愈人类心灵的顽疾,行导世归真之大道,他不是精神领袖是啥?08年冬季,联合国说是暖冬,云峰大师却说是严冬。事实证明了一切,云峰大师说寒冬,就是寒冬,09年冬季仍然是如此!当世界因为气候变暖,而在哥本哈根召开减排会议之后,世界各地接连传来暴雪天气,天真是开了一个大大地玩笑!天为啥那么配合呢?因为云峰大师是天的使者!!!2010年,三大预言(空难预言、地震预言、国际死亡预言)仍然在继续当中,而且气候问题还是应该值得人们来关注!如上所述,这么准的预测以及科学预测方法,并不是一个现代科学家就能掌握的。值得一提的是,云峰大师能够预测“天、地、人”–这个世界的主体,也就是掌握了所有这些最先进以及最权威的科学。他的成就,绝对值得全世界科学家来膜拜、全世界国家元首拜见!



在这个世界上,不管你是位极人臣还是国家元首都不能够掌控你自己的生命,国际死亡预言非常清晰地阐述了这个道理!但假如你认识了云峰大师,你就能把握自己的命运!你拥有了  他的爱,你就等于中奖一般。

空难(飞机事故) 预言

去年(2009年),云峰大师重点提到了“亚非欧美”空难(飞机事故)预言。所以,2009年四大洲空难与飞机事故频发,事故之重大、事件之密集、人类之恐慌,堪称是有史以来可以载入史册的重大事件之一。2009年7月25日,我对空难(飞机事故)次数进行了一次小结,从数据上就能完全说明问题,该数据来源于国际民航组织2007年理事会年度报告。2009年底,我们也粗略地统计了该年空难(飞机事故)发生的次数,大约有220(一、二)起空难(飞机事故)发生。2010年,该预言仍然处于持续验证进行过 程当中,希望各国元首尽快拜见云峰大师,防范于未然。

2009年3月8日,云峰大师预言了国内两起飞机事故。3月29日,该预言被验证,它所提到的西南方向 以及 北京附近方向两个地方将要有相关飞机事故方生。于是,非常巧的是在同一天,分别在以上谈到的两个地方各有一场事故产生,而且聊天中谈到两个地点的先后顺序与预言验证两地所发生飞机事故 的先后顺序也是一致的。


2009年的6月份,云峰大师预言了地球处于“地震频发期”。但是,大家须主要关注“欧美”地区。今天,我们回顾整个2009年下半年,确如大师所言!代表全球最高水平的美国地震局也想获得云峰老师的预言以及预言的方式方法,且多次与我们通过电子邮件进行沟通。根据世界性的媒体以及研究机构的年度总结来看,他们多次于年底提到全球处于“地 震频发期”。难道大家对于云峰大师的预言还有疑问吗?

现代的地震科学远远没有能力做到预言以及预测未发生的地震灾难。比较先进的监测技术,也只能在本国或者相邻两个国家产生作用。美国的卫星也只是能够远距离监测到某个国家发  生地震。请注意是监测而非预测!!!


2009年7月份,云峰大师提到“夜观天象,今年国际上部级(含相当于部级)及部级以上的人物将会有很多死去”。截至目前为止,从新闻报道上获得的数据就已经超过30人。  为啥当云峰老师提到该预言就有人死,而且几乎像多米诺骨牌般,接连而倒呢?



特别声明:考虑到法律因素,所以我在博客上不公开云峰大师精确地预言地震、空难、以及国际官员死亡事件。以免给相关地区以及人员带来不必要的恐慌!但是,云峰大师一定会向家人提及相关的讯息,以往所提到大师预言以及验证的案例已经充分说明了问题,希望大家开博和转载文章,只有多做才能与云峰老师结缘。然后,才能够得到他的“爱 ”

Three great predictions will keep on going

—-Loving warning to the world of 2010 from prophet Yunfeng

In the old oriental, great Chinese scientist ,philanthropist, disasterprophet, hermit, spiritual master and model— Yunfeng, careless aboutfame and profit, he taking his prophecy as a useful way to heal theworld, helping countries to preventing nature disaster unselfishly,saving human being from dangerous by knowing it in advance, whole worldfeel his universal love and warm .In 2009 ,prophet Yunfeng’s 3 greatpredictions—airplane crash/accident prediction, earthquake prediction,international official death prediction all was proved. his preciousprophecies like a light in the darkness lighting up the difficulty road,giving hope of life and peace to entire humankind.

In Jan 1.2010 , Master Yunfeng give warning to the world again withlove : 3 great predictions ,airplane crash/accident prediction,earthquake prediction, international official death prediction ,willcome to true continually ,please pay attention continually about it.wish all global people care prophet Yunfeng and his warning, wishpresident Obama have formal meeting with Master Yunfeng, wish allcountries’ s top leader have formal meeting with Master Yunfeng inorder to benefit their country and their people.

Introduction of master Yunfeng’s prediction:

First: introduction of master Yunfeng’s Airplane crash/accident prediction

In feb 2009,master Yunfeng left a message ,he wrote:” Airplanecrash/accident will take place frequently this year in Asia, African,Europe, America, please pay attention to it .”the prediction article’swebsite is .this special emphasis is a remind of the events that willhappen in the future .in 2009,very soon after his prophecy, Frenchairline crash ,Yemen airplane crash ,Iran airline crash shocked theworld. According to rough statistics, there are altogether over 220small and big airplane crash/accidents in 2009.the website of thedetail is:

Second : introduction of master Yunfeng’s earthquake prediction

In June 2009, master Yunfeng predicted that earthquake would occur veryfrequently in the world , he reminded particularly paying closeattention to Europe and America area. prevention work of disastershould be take” , the website of the detail is: .later 2009, manyearthquake news was heard from media, Indonisia and Haiti earthquakeproved master Yunfeng ’s predition. the website of the detail is: .

third : introduction of master Yunfeng’s international death prediction

In July 2009,when Master Yunfeng chat online, he mentioned that “byobserving the astronomical phenomena , this year many death news aboutMinisterial person (include people equal to Ministerial person) in theworld and people up this grade would be heard , later from Zhuo Lin(widow of China’s late leader Deng Xiaoping),Philippine formerpresident, Corazon Aquino, Former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung,to Edward M. Kennedy, U.N. official dead in Haiti earthquake, manyfamous stars left this world. the website of the detail is: .

Comments: life is priceless, safe is priceless .humankind sames so weakwhen meet large disaster. having a safe and peace world is allhumankind and all countries leader’s dream, yet the right way did notbeen found so far, even president Obama .human being suffer a lotbecause can not predict nature hazards ,even U.N. official dead inHaiti earthquake can not avoid. very luckily, now Chinese prophetYunfeng can predict large nature disaster like airplane crash/accident,earthquake, death .there are many news again and again prove hiscorrect predictions. due to his universal love and unique studyfruition , it is undoubtedly worth that all scientists and countries’ sleaders to pay attention and formal meeting. to solving nature hazardsand keep people from its suffer, the most effective method is MasterYunfeng’s disaster prediction. meanwhile ,his love can point a futuredirection to humankind. We should appeal to president Obama have formalmeeting with Master Yunfeng , all countries’ s top leader have formalmeeting with Master Yunfeng in order to preventing hazards and benefittheir country and their people.

Note: in case of legal consideration and avoiding make scare torelative area and people ,so master Yunfeng always did not write hisairplane crash/accident prediction, earthquake prediction,international official death prediction both in very detail andpublicly.



我们早在2009年的公开“预言”和“2010年的博爱开示”里已经多次告诉世界即将在什么区域发生什么样的灾难。怕引起不必要的恐慌,我们不能公开精确的时间和地点,只 有各国元首拜见方能告知其国家要发生的灾难和解决的方案。




我们见证了云峰大师的:亚非欧美飞机失事事故、地震频发期(尤其关注欧美)、国际死亡、气候预言等等,包括近期的海地地震预言,云峰大师预言囊括了“天”、“地”、“人” 三方面,足以证明云峰大师的能力前无古人、后无来者,这次预言更会震惊世人
云峰预言见证者:陈健 筱奇

2010 loving warning to leaders in the world (New Prediction)

Dear Chenjian,Xiaoqi.:

People has seen the terrible Haiti earthquake at the beginning of year 2010,“when and where will the next great disaster tack place ”? this is the hot topic in this period ,of course ,it is also the wonder question that all countries’ s top leaders eager to know.

We had talked many times in our “2009 public prophecies ”(website: )and “2010 loving warning to the world” (website: ) about place ,time and which kind of tragedy will occur future . in order to avoid creating large unnecessary scare to general public, We can not talk exact time and location publicly, only when top leaders of each countries come to visit ,can we tell their country’s coming disaster as well as the solving plan.

We are a family ,I love all of you.


first February 2010


We proved master YunFeng’s prediction which include airplane crash/accident prediction (Asian,Africa, Europe, and America), earthquake (happen frequently) prediction (pay close attention to Europe and America), international official death prediction, weather prediction and so on. Haiti earthquake prediction also was proved.His precious prophecies like a light in the darkness lighting up the difficulty road ,giving hope of life and peace to entire humankind.

YunFeng’s prediction witness: Chen Jian, Xiao Qi

Love Site: http://www.512-china.com

Prediction Site: http://www.512-china.org

Chinese Blog: http://cishanxingdao.blog.sohu.com

English Blog: http://chenjian.wordpress.com

Email: chejian2046@hotmail.com


Phone Number: (646)861-9042


原帖由 jerryloveshome 于 2010-2-9 09:10 发表
请问云峰大师 房价上涨之势还可持续多久?


Re: 2010 loving warning to leaders in the world (New Prediction)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
                                        Prediction Proved Information

International Death Prediction Proved



MAP         5.0          2010/02/13 12:49:57           -6.080           154.401         35.0          BOUGAINVILLE REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP         6.1          2010/02/13 02:34:29          -21.884          -174.776         10.0          TONGA
MAP         5.4          2010/02/12 12:09:15           19.852           -74.361         10.0          CUBA REGION
MAP         5.8          2010/02/12 12:03:40          -33.492           -68.556         144.7          MENDOZA, ARGENTINA
MAP         5.1          2010/02/12 11:20:40           29.734           -42.775         10.0          NORTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
MAP         5.1          2010/02/12 02:42:39           23.837           121.193         21.0          TAIWAN
MAP         5.3          2010/02/11 21:56:32           34.085           25.407         14.0          CRETE, GREECE
MAP         5.4          2010/02/11 19:05:31          -24.182          -175.804         37.5          SOUTH OF TONGA
MAP         5.7          2010/02/11 18:43:08          -10.063           113.847         53.9          SOUTH OF JAVA, INDONESIA
MAP         5.4          2010/02/11 11:51:55          -40.504           -16.797         10.0          SOUTHERN MID-ATLANTIC RIDGE
MAP         5.3          2010/02/11 09:18:22          -39.036           82.112         10.0          MID-INDIAN RIDGE
MAP         5.0          2010/02/11 01:18:52          -57.488           -25.689         66.4          SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION
MAP         5.6          2010/02/10 20:46:41           1.137           126.132         8.9          MOLUCCA SEA
MAP         5.3          2010/02/10 12:22:42           -7.239           154.854         35.0          BOUGAINVILLE REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP         5.4          2010/02/10 11:42:08           -7.076           154.826         25.4          BOUGAINVILLE REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP         5.5          2010/02/10 07:18:34           -7.092           154.796         35.0          BOUGAINVILLE REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP         5.0          2010/02/10 04:51:13          -23.118           170.382         55.9          SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS
MAP         5.0          2010/02/10 00:48:46           1.527           97.157         41.5          NIAS REGION, INDONESIA
MAP         5.1          2010/02/09 10:21:41          -38.942          -179.966         10.0          EAST OF THE NORTH ISLAND, NEW ZEALAND
MAP         5.2          2010/02/09 05:02:11           21.014           121.081         18.5          TAIWAN REGION
MAP         5.9          2010/02/09 01:03:45          -15.053          -173.479         10.0          TONGA
MAP         5.6          2010/02/09 00:47:42           16.085           -96.546         40.0          OAXACA, MEXICO
MAP         5.4          2010/02/08 13:45:01          -23.835          -175.999         10.0          TONGA REGION
MAP         5.1          2010/02/08 12:08:32          -56.158           -24.520         35.0          SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION
MAP         5.3          2010/02/07 23:22:55          -23.291          -179.733         549.8          SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS
MAP         5.9          2010/02/07 22:28:18          -23.306          -179.856         513.0          SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS
MAP         5.0          2010/02/07 21:21:44           -0.042           123.299         140.2          SULAWESI, INDONESIA
MAP         5.6          2010/02/07 17:09:49          -23.169           -66.142         247.5          JUJUY, ARGENTINA
MAP         5.0          2010/02/07 09:50:46           5.988           -82.478         21.9          SOUTH OF PANAMA
MAP         5.1          2010/02/07 09:49:17           5.841           -82.228         24.0          SOUTH OF PANAMA
MAP         5.1          2010/02/07 07:41:56           -5.512           147.323         188.5          EASTERN NEW GUINEA REG, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
MAP         6.3          2010/02/07 06:10:01           23.466           123.680         24.6          SOUTHWESTERN RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN


Turbulence over Halifax

American Airlines Emergency Landing in Phoenix

Pakistan: Runway Excursion

Two Crash in Redlands

Austrian Airlines Smoke in Cockpit

Helicopter Crashes While Filming Robbery

Borneo Emergency Landing

Westjet Aborts Calgary Takeoff

Emergency Landing in Monterrey

India: ATR Engine Failure in Bhopal

Runway Incursion at Schiphol

继续关注后面的灾难 (空难、地震、国际死亡、气象问题)

欧美严寒暴雪拉美酷热洪水 “圣婴现象”回归?
2010年02月12日 11:07 来源:中国新闻网


Prediction Proved Information

Air Crashes and Air Accidents

2009-03-08 | Two Air Accidents in China.

2009-03-29 | Validated "Two Air Crashes in China.

Santa Cruz Flight Emergency

A Near Collision over Burbank

Dreamlifter enters Service

Cessna Crashes Palo Alto neighborhood.

Pinnacle Emergency Landing In Buffalo

Amsterdam: KLM Engine Failure

Qantas Emergency Landing at Sydney

Piper Crashes in Amarillo

United Airlines Bomb Threat

Pilot Fires House, Crashes Plane, IRS Suicide Protest

British Airways Emergency Landing

Mexicana Airbus Emergency Diversion to St. Louis

Emergency Landing in Zurich

Birdstrike Sends Spirit Airbus Back to Hollywood Fla

Small Plane Crashes in NJ

Milan: Easyjet Smoke Emergency

Milan Emergency Landing

Mexicana Flight Diverts to Merida

2009-08-28 | letter to earthquake research orgnization給地震研究机构的信
Summarize of the communication with USGS
MAP         5.0          2010/02/19 12:07:10          -15.274          -173.492          35.0          TONGA
MAP         5.4          2010/02/19 11:13:21          -21.726          -175.207         10.0          TONGA
MAP         5.1          2010/02/18 23:49:45           46.774           152.434         66.8          KURIL ISLANDS
MAP         5.3          2010/02/18 20:56:34          -23.105           -68.180         111.2          ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE
MAP         6.9          2010/02/18 01:13:19           42.581           130.537         573.8          CHINA-RUSSIA-NORTH KOREA BORDER REGION
MAP         5.9          2010/02/17 19:38:06          -29.752          -177.819         35.0          KERMADEC ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND
MAP         5.1          2010/02/17 02:52:42           29.892           138.269         457.5          IZU ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
MAP         5.0          2010/02/16 19:59:31           34.924           139.867         83.6          NEAR THE SOUTH COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
MAP         5.1          2010/02/16 19:08:19           4.613           93.077         1.6          OFF THE WEST COAST OF NORTHERN SUMATRA
MAP  5.1   2010/02/16 06:48:55    19.074    121.106  10.0   BABUYAN ISLANDS REGION, PHILIPPINES
MAP  5.1   2010/02/16 01:57:19    40.459    143.602  28.2   OFF THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN

MAP  6.2   2010/02/15 21:51:48    -7.256    128.794  128.0   KEPULAUAN BARAT DAYA, INDONESIA
MAP  5.4   2010/02/15 10:15:44    6.138    126.894  99.5   MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES

MAP  5.0   2010/02/14 20:21:42    5.655    126.142  148.4   MINDANAO, PHILIPPINES
MAP  5.2   2010/02/14 03:04:54   -33.240   -179.699  73.1   SOUTH OF THE KERMADEC ISLANDS

MAP  5.1   2010/02/13 23:14:34   -36.785   -110.380  10.1   SOUTHERN EAST PACIFIC RISE


Warning Prediction (Great Matter) again -- sent letter to Obama on Feb 8, 2010

The letter to Barack Obama which sent on Feb 8, 2010

云峰大师的爱是前无古人的。他一直关爱着世人,拯救着世人;包括一直在关爱着美国,关爱着奥巴马,加持奥巴马你。但你却有视无睹,未来的灾难如果你们提前知道 ,会是美国人 民的福音,而且可以对灾难有很好的预防。如果,你们不来拜见云峰大师,你们的政治生涯将会产生危机,甚至会被弹劾。
No one equal YunFeng’s love. He cares and loves common people all thetime. He saves common people. It includes USA and Barack Obama, He isblessing you (Barack Obama). But you didn’t see that. If disasters youhear before it happen, and then it will be good news. You also canprevent this disaster for people in USA. If you do not formal visitmaster YunFeng, then your political life will produce crisis, even youwill get trouble.










2009年 10月5日
Below is message Master YunFeng sent to me, please pay attention to this:
Dear Chenjian,
The prediction of “the great event of USA “is being witness!
Please pay attention to that continually.
Wish president Obama visit me as early as possible for people in USA!
Wish USA people get the love from Me!
Wish people in the world get love from Me!
fifth,Octomber 2009 ln CHINA.

Love Site: http://www.512-china.com

Prediction Site: http://www.512-china.org

Chinese Blog: http://cishanxingdao.blog.sohu.com

English Blog: http://chenjian.wordpress.com

Email: chejian2046@hotmail.com


Phone Number: (646)861-9042


Earthquake Prediction Proved -- World's biggest earthquakes since 1900

The letter to Barack Obama which sent on Feb 8, 2010(very urgent news!)
The 8.8-magnitude earthquake that hit Chile Saturday was similar in intensity to the fifth most powerful quake recorded since 1900.
That quake struck off the coast of Ecuador in 1906. It is not known how many people were killed.
The biggest quake recorded since 1900 hit the coast of southern Chile on May 22, 1960. The 9.5-magnitude quake killed more than 1,600 and left around two million people homeless.


My summarize for understanding Master YunFeng Prediction


My summarize for understanding Master YunFeng Prediction

iReport —


Earthquake will happen in Europe and America

   YunFeng (Knowing, Deviner)mentioned on June 23 2009, lots of earthquakes that will happen in Europe and America and earthquakes which happen frequently in the world.




Three great predictions will keep on going
(Earthquake Prediction, Air Crashes and Air Accidents Prediction, International Death Prediction, Also Weather Problem)



The letter to Barack Obama (Sent on Jan 15. 2010)
Master YunFeng mentioned number "7"!


I tried to guess the triangle (227). Master YunFeng agree with me.



The letter to Barack Obama which sent on Feb 8, 2010
The letter mentioned again "Three great predictions will keep on going"!


Master YunFeng mentioned "great matter will happen soon." on Feb 17!


You can see (217)


The secret of When and Where next disaster happen which is hidden in these number.


2010 loving warning to people in the world

2010 loving warning to people in the world

    People has seen the terrible Chile earthquake on Feb 27 of year 2010, "When and where will the next great disaster take place"? This is the hot topic in this period, of course, it is also the wonder question that all countries's top leaders eager to know. In order to avoid creating large unnecessary scare to general public, we cannot talk exact time and location publicly, only when top leaders of each countries come to visit.We can tell their country's coming disaster as well as the solving plan.

    We are a family, I love all of you.

    -----------------------Master YunFeng

    Chen Jian, Zhang Qi


The letter to leader of USGS‏‏‏‏

The letter to leader of USGS‏‏‏‏ (I sent that on Nov 15, 2009)

on March 26, 2009, diviner YunFeng  warned that  great event would happen in  USA, and only  President Obama visiting  Master YunFeng formally by himself can the matter be solved well. the extend of the significant event that will take place  is even  up to threaten USA’s  security. For avoiding social scare, Master YunFeng does not want the detail be told to public.As the only spokesman in the world of prophet YunFeng,    Here,Firstly, I  friendly and urgently require President Obama or the top leader of USGS to have a meeting with me! It is well known  that present earthquake research science can not predict disaster in advance,even the satellite of USA only can monitor earthquake of nearby place or country only after it happened. from ancient time to now,No one can precisely  predict earthquakes like what Master YunFeng had done. Last year, meteorologists of WMO was shocked  by prophet YunFeng’s precise disaster and weather prediction ability. They asked for diviner YunFeng’s prediction and his prediction methods. Master YunFeng declined the request. I had met lots of organizations and countries they eagled for getting  Master YunFeng’s  fruits by  variety  means Since I spread Master YunFeng’s prophecies  in the world. However, we do a good job to protect Master YunFeng’s study fruits . And we will continue to keep it very  carefully .No scientist said “earthquake will frequently occur in the world” to the world at the middle of this year,only him,prophet YunFeng, He told this great prophecy in June, 2009! Very soon after his words,many earthquake occur in the world as you know. This is more than enough. Master YunFeng’s prediction should get international Intellectual Property Protection.    secondly ,it is no doubt that  Master YunFeng is worth the top leader’s formally meet to show their sincerity. In addition,Master YunFeng is in China, he doesn’t live in USA. Why I continually contact USGS? Please believe there must be some reason , and please take my words seriously . All my action is reasonable.thirdly,I want to emphasize that people who will receive my this important email in USGS. Please  put aside all your work immediately and send this letter to your leader as soon as possible!Best regardsChen Jian


发件人:        Franky E Oehring (foehring@usgs.gov) 代表 GS-N-MCMC ESIC (mcmcesic@usgs.gov)

   风险 - 中您可能不知道发件人是谁。标记为安全|标记为垃圾邮件
发送时间:    2009年10月1日 1:07:27
收件人:    chejian2046@hotmail.com
抄送:    archive_ask@usgs.gov; mcmcesic@usgs.gov

chen jian,

Thank you for contacting the USGS.  You need to send your prediction information to the USGS at their collection site.

I would like to say that we are always interested in hearing
about earthquake predictions, and we receive many of them.
However, as I'm sure you understand, it is very important for us
to document the predictions over time.  Our standard procedure
is as follows:  please send our earthquake prediction expert
(Linda Curtis) a fax at 626-583-7827 or email at linda@usgs.gov
detailing your thoughts, the earthquake location in latitude and
longitude, and the time and magnitude of the expected event.
We must receive the fax/email BEFORE the earthquake occurs for
it to be considered valid.  Ms. Curtis will create a file for you and will
save all of your prediction information for review.

I hope this information is helpful.  Please feel free to contact the USGS again with any other questions you may have.

Frank Oehring
USGS-Rolla, MO
Science Information and Library Services
888-ASK-USGS (275-8747)


09/30/2009 05:26 AM
        To:        mcmcesic@usgs.gov
        cc:        archive_ask@usgs.gov
        Subject:        Message for USGS

Transaction=GSFM78LK [30SEP2009 10:26:58UTC]
Customer email:   chejian2046@hotmail.com
Subject:          Message for USGS
Primary response: mcmcesic@usgs.gov

USGS PERSONNEL: This email was generated through the Contact USGS system. When replying to the customer PLEASE BE SURE TO CC archive_ask@usgs.gov. (Customers, please do not send email to archive_ask, as it will not be answered.) If you answer by phone, simply forward this email to archive_ask@usgs.gov. You can see more information about replying to customers at <http://answers.usgs.gov/usgs/responding.htm&gt; (USGS only).

Earthquake will happen in Europe and America

   YunFeng (Knowing, Deviner)mentioned on June 23 2009, lots of earthquakes that will happen in Europe and America!

   *     Magnitude 5.4 earthquake- Souh of USA-Alaska. (6/23)
   *     Magnitude 6.7 earthquake- Crete, Greece. (7/1)
   *     Magnitude 5.0 earthquake- Colombia. (7/4)
   *     Magnitude Unknow earthquake- Panama. (7/4)
   *     Magnitude 4.1 earthquake- Italy. (7/3) There is a "Group of Eight Summit" that will happen in that place.
   *     Magnitude 5.4 earthquake- Nicaragua:Pacific Coast. (7/7)
   *     Magnitude 4.1 earthquake- Rome: Rome happens three times aftershock after strong earthquake. (7/8)
   *     Magnitude 6.0 earthquake- Peru. (7/12)
   *     Magnitude 5.1 earthquake- North Island. (7/13)
   *     Magnitude 7.8 earthquake- New Zealand. (7/15)
   *     Magnitude 6.9 earthquake- Mexico. (8/4)
   *     Magnitude 7.1 earthquake- California, Gulf of (8/4)
   *     Magnitude 5.0 earthquake- South of Mexico (8/15)
   *     Magnitude 4.4 earthquake- Greece (9/2)
   *     Magnitude 5.4 earthquake- Albania (9/7)
   *     Magnitude 6.4 earthquake- Venezuela (9/12)
   *     Magnitude 4.2 earthquake- Italy (9/15)
   *     Magnitude 4.9 earthquake- Mexico (9/20)
   *     Magnitude 6.4 earthquake- Mexico (9/24)
   *     Magnitude 8.0 earthquake- Samoa Islands (9/30)

APIA, Samoa —  A powerful earthquake in the South Pacific hurled a massive tsunami at the shores of Samoa and American Samoa, flattening villages and sweeping cars and people out to sea, leaving at least 82 dead and dozens missing.

Contact: chen jian

Offical website: www.512-china.org





Regarding your earthquake predictions‏
发件人:    Linda Curtis (linda@usgs.gov)

   风险 - 中您可能不知道发件人是谁。标记为安全|标记为垃圾邮件
发送时间:    2009年10月1日 2:12:01
收件人:    chejian2046@hotmail.com

Chen Jian,

I have received your list of predictions(below)....unfortunately all
the dates have past.

Please forward me any new earthquake predictions that you have for
future dates.
Feel free to fax me any hard copies of information and I will put that
into our files (626-583-7827)

best regards,

Linda Curtis



RE: Regarding your earthquake predictions‏
发件人:    chenjian (chejian2046@hotmail.com)
发送时间:    2009年10月2日 3:38:55
收件人:    linda@usgs.gov

附件:    3 个附件 | 下载所有附件 (491.4 KB)

   YunFeng.jpg (154.1 KB), Yunfeng1.jpg (180.8 KB), Yunfeng2.jpg (156.5 KB)


Thank you for your reply. I am student of Master YunFeng, and I witness his prediction for one more year. I am

learning the method of predict earthquake. For learning better predict earthquake skill and love people in the

world. I don't have the right to require Master YunFeng to do anything.

Below is an ariticle netfriend wrote, they also witness his prediction for a long time.
http://futurenews.blog.sohu.com/129165781.html  (Aug 8 wrote)
attached pictures I sent this ariticle to some research institutes
around on Aug 8 and Aug 9. You also can search some keywords on

Would you introduce yourself to me? Would you introduce the detail of USGS to me? Who is the director in USGS? May

I have the email of director in several department?

Chen Jian


Magnitude 5.1 earthquake- California in USA (10/3)‏
发件人:    chenjian (chejian2046@hotmail.com)
发送时间:    2009年10月4日 1:39:44
收件人:    mcmcesic@usgs.gov

Earthquake will happen in Europe and America
    YunFeng (Knowing, Deviner)mentioned on June 23 2009, lots of earthquakes that will happen in Europe and America!

    *     Magnitude 5.4 earthquake- Souh of USA-Alaska. (6/23)
    *     Magnitude 6.7 earthquake- Crete, Greece. (7/1)
    *     Magnitude 5.0 earthquake- Colombia. (7/4)
    *     Magnitude Unknow earthquake- Panama. (7/4)
    *     Magnitude 4.1 earthquake- Italy. (7/3) There is a "Group of Eight Summit" that will happen in that place.
    *     Magnitude 5.4 earthquake- Nicaragua:Pacific Coast. (7/7)
    *     Magnitude 4.1 earthquake- Rome: Rome happens three times aftershock after strong earthquake. (7/8)
    *     Magnitude 6.0 earthquake- Peru. (7/12)
    *     Magnitude 5.1 earthquake- North Island. (7/13)
    *     Magnitude 7.8 earthquake- New Zealand. (7/15)
    *     Magnitude 6.9 earthquake- Mexico. (8/4)
    *     Magnitude 7.1 earthquake- California, Gulf of (8/4)
    *     Magnitude 5.0 earthquake- South of Mexico (8/15)
    *     Magnitude 4.4 earthquake- Greece (9/2)
    *     Magnitude 5.4 earthquake- Albania (9/7)
    *     Magnitude 6.4 earthquake- Venezuela (9/12)
    *     Magnitude 4.2 earthquake- Italy (9/15)
    *     Magnitude 4.9 earthquake- Mexico (9/20)
    *     Magnitude 6.4 earthquake- Mexico (9/24)
    *     Magnitude 8.0 earthquake- Samoa Islands (9/30)
    *     Magnitude 5.1 earthquake- California in USA (10/3)

   2009-08-28 | letter to earthquake research orgnization


Fw: Magnitude 5.1 earthquake- California in USA (10/3)‏
发件人:    Franky E Oehring (foehring@usgs.gov)

   风险 - 中您可能不知道发件人是谁。标记为安全|标记为垃圾邮件
发送时间:    2009年10月6日 21:44:51
收件人:    Linda A Curtis (linda@usgs.gov)
抄送:    GS-N-MCMC ESIC (mcmcesic@usgs.gov)
密件抄送:    chenjian (chejian2046@hotmail.com)

----- Forwarded by Franky E Oehring/RGIO/USGS/DOI on 10/06/2009 08:41 AM -----

   chenjian <chejian2046@hotmail.com>

10/03/2009 12:39 PM
        To:        <mcmcesic@usgs.gov>
        Subject:        Magnitude 5.1 earthquake- California in USA (10/3)

Earthquake will happen in Europe and America

    YunFeng (Knowing, Deviner)mentioned on June 23 2009, lots of earthquakes that will happen in Europe and America!

    *     Magnitude 5.4 earthquake- Souh of USA-Alaska. (6/23)
    *     Magnitude 6.7 earthquake- Crete, Greece. (7/1)
    *     Magnitude 5.0 earthquake- Colombia. (7/4)
    *     Magnitude Unknow earthquake- Panama. (7/4)
    *     Magnitude 4.1 earthquake- Italy. (7/3) There is a "Group of Eight Summit" that will happen in that place.
    *     Magnitude 5.4 earthquake- Nicaragua:Pacific Coast. (7/7)
    *     Magnitude 4.1 earthquake- Rome: Rome happens three times aftershock after strong earthquake. (7/8)
    *     Magnitude 6.0 earthquake- Peru. (7/12)
    *     Magnitude 5.1 earthquake- North Island. (7/13)
    *     Magnitude 7.8 earthquake- New Zealand. (7/15)
    *     Magnitude 6.9 earthquake- Mexico. (8/4)
    *     Magnitude 7.1 earthquake- California, Gulf of (8/4)
    *     Magnitude 5.0 earthquake- South of Mexico (8/15)
    *     Magnitude 4.4 earthquake- Greece (9/2)
    *     Magnitude 5.4 earthquake- Albania (9/7)
    *     Magnitude 6.4 earthquake- Venezuela (9/12)
    *     Magnitude 4.2 earthquake- Italy (9/15)
    *     Magnitude 4.9 earthquake- Mexico (9/20)
    *     Magnitude 6.4 earthquake- Mexico (9/24)
    *     Magnitude 8.0 earthquake- Samoa Islands (9/30)
    *     Magnitude 5.1 earthquake- California in USA (10/3)

  2009-08-28 | letter to earthquake research orgnization

Re: "专家"称近期强震如此密集发&# ...‏
发件人:    脱机 Kenneth M Dixon (kmdixon@usgs.gov) 代表 GS-AK ESIC (askusgs@usgs.gov)

   风险 - 中您可能不知道发件人是谁。标记为安全|标记为垃圾邮件
发送时间:    2009年10月10日 3:50:28
收件人:    chejian2046@hotmail.com
抄送:    archive_ask@usgs.gov; askusgs@usgs.gov

The font you used in your email is unreadable by our system.  Please send your message again.

Ken Dixon
USGS Alaska Science Center
Earth Science Information Center - Anchorage


10/09/2009 09:20 AM
        To:        askusgs@usgs.gov
        cc:        archive_ask@usgs.gov
        Subject:        "专家"称近期强震如此密集发&# ...

Transaction=GSF6WQ49 [09OCT2009 17:20:16UTC]
Customer email:   chejian2046@hotmail.com
Customer:         chen jian
Customer phone:   (646)861-9042
Subject:          "专家"称近期强震如此密集发&# ...
Primary response: askusgs@usgs.gov



Subject: "专家"称近期强震如此密集发生非常罕见



2009-07-05 |  总结云峰老师历次预言经过(24)关于欧美地震以及地震频发的预言

专家称近期强震如此密集发生非常罕见 密集程度罕见




Re: earthquake!!!‏
发件人:    脱机 Cheryl R O'Brien (crobrien@usgs.gov) 代表 ASK USGS (ASK_USGS@usgs.gov)

   风险 - 中您可能不知道发件人是谁。标记为安全|标记为垃圾邮件
发送时间:    2009年10月16日 0:10:48
收件人:    chejian2046@hotmail.com; Linda A Curtis (linda@usgs.gov)
抄送:    archive_ask@usgs.gov

附件:    1 个附件

   ATT00001 (1.3 KB)

Dear Chen Jian,

Thank you.  I will forward your predictions to our scientist who maintains a log of those.

Cheryl O'Brien
(703) 648-5929


10/15/2009 12:07 PM
        To:        ask@usgs.gov
        cc:        archive_ask@usgs.gov
        Subject:        earthquake!!!

Transaction=GSFGQLF3 [15OCT2009 16:07:36UTC]
Customer email:   chejian2046@hotmail.com
Customer:         chen jian
Customer phone:   (646)861-9042
Subject:          earthquake!!!
Primary response: ask@usgs.gov

USGS PERSONNEL: This email was generated through the Contact USGS system. When replying to the customer PLEASE BE SURE TO CC archive_ask@usgs.gov. (Customers, please do not send email to archive_ask, as it will not be answered.) If you answer by phone, simply forward this email to archive_ask@usgs.gov. You can see more information about replying to customers at <http://answers.usgs.gov/usgs/responding.htm&gt; (USGS only).

2009-08-28 | letter to earthquake research orgnization

Oct 13:aleutian islands, Magnitude 6.2 earthquake

Oct 15:Magnitude 6.0 earthquake- Samoa Islands


First of all, I am Chen Jian – a unique man speak for YunFeng in the world. And I seriously require President Obama or the leader of USGS to chat with me! March 26, 2009, Master YunFeng seriously mentioned a great matter will happen in the USA, and only President Obama must formally visit YunFeng. Then people will land on their feet in this great matter.

Second, YunFeng’s prediction must take the protection of international preintellectual property rights. Also, the great matter of USA even threatens national security. For avoiding society panic situation, YunFeng seriously told me that I could not tell the detail to common person. Last year, meteorologists of WMO wondered about YunFeng’s precise disaster prediction. They asked for YunFeng’s prediction and its methods. And I refused their request. Master YunFeng is my master. Since I spread YunFeng’s philanthropy in the world, I had met lots of organizations and countries which want to get his power by a variety of means. However, our work keeps secret very well so far. And it will be here to stay continuously.

No one equals YunFeng for predicting earthquakes accurately of all ages. This is a huge matter. So the leader must formally visit, and then it can express enough sincerity. I will mention that emphatically, Master YunFeng is in China, and he doesn’t live in the USA. No scientist said “earthquake occurs frequently”! He mentioned that on June, 2009! I continually contact USGS, and please you-all pay attention to my words. All my action have a purpose. Please support staff who received my email in USGS, and put down your task which you are working on! And you should pass on this letter to your leader right now!
Chen Jian

发件人:    脱机 Franky E Oehring (foehring@usgs.gov) 代表 GS-N-MCMC ESIC (mcmcesic@usgs.gov)
发送时间:    2009年10月21日 1:02:36
收件人:    chejian2046@hotmail.com
抄送:    archive_ask@usgs.gov; mcmcesic@usgs.gov

chen jian,

Thank you for contacting the USGS.  I would like to say the we are always interested in hearing
about earthquake predictions, and we receive many of them.
However, as I'm sure you understand, it is very important for us
to document the predictions over time.  Our standard procedure
is as follows:  please send our earthquake prediction expert
(Linda Curtis) a fax at 626-583-7827 or email at linda@usgs.gov
detailing your thoughts, the earthquake location in latitude and
longitude, and the time and magnitude of the expected event.
We must receive the fax/email BEFORE the earthquake occurs for
it to be considered valid.  Ms. Curtis will create a file for you and will
save all of your prediction information for review.

I hope this information is helpful.  Please feel free to contact the USGS again with any other questions you may have.

USGS-Rolla, MO
Science Information and Library Services
888-ASK-USGS (275-8747)

   chejian2046@hotmail.com 10/19/2009 07:28 PM
        To:        mcmcesic@usgs.gov
        cc:        archive_ask@usgs.gov
        Subject:        Earthquake!!!

Transaction=GSFF3J3Q [20OCT2009 00:28:48UTC]
Customer email:   chejian2046@hotmail.com
Customer:         chen jian
Customer phone:   (646)861-9042
Subject:          Earthquake!!!
Primary response: mcmcesic@usgs.gov

USGS PERSONNEL: This email was generated through the Contact USGS system. When replying to the customer PLEASE BE SURE TO CC archive_ask@usgs.gov. (Customers, please do not send email to archive_ask, as it will not be answered.) If you answer by phone, simply forward this email to archive_ask@usgs.gov. You can see more information about replying to customers at <http://answers.usgs.gov/usgs/responding.htm&gt; (USGS only).

Magnitude 5.5 earthquake- Samoa Islands (10/19)

Letter to earthquake research organizationhttp://orientalprophet.blog.sohu.com/130621639.html
2009-08-28 | letter to earthquake research orgnization


The letter to Barack Obama

took pictures for letters I senthttp://photo.163.com/photo/chejian2046/?u=chejian2046#m=1&ai=109185992&p=1&n=40&cp=1

Trucking Number


Dear Mr Chen :

   Significant issue  will take place in America, prisident Obama need meet us.

And it isn't economic accident and political accident.

"拜见" pronunciation in Chinese is "Bai Jian"

Meet YunFeng by respectly;  Pray for YunFeng

Dear President Obama :

     I'am Chenjian. I always pay attention to your action for I respect you since you successfully became the president of the USA. No matter the final result, I know you are a nice person, and that’s nothing to suspect. I am also a nice Chinese young man.  China lay emphasis on “family” concept! The corn of family is love.  Because of love, people gather together. Because no love, people separate themselves from original whole family.

    As a Chinese youth, I  respectly invite you to visit China. If you add this arrangement, then the rates and affection of you and your party will increase in the world. That’s good news.

       The another  important thing is that  I will  suggest you visit a famous Chinese man YunFeng. He is the most unique person in the world. Chinese people are spreading YunFeng’s wide love to the world. He inherited the whole traditional condition of China. And we also are building the big family in the world. Of course, YunFeng is  circle's center.

    There are three reasons that  I suggest you  visit him.

     First, he can tell and guide an individual's fortune: It expresses a lot on me. I experienced big change since I came to the USA two years ago. My friends, my classmates and my teachers also feel this change. Under YunFeng’s great power, you may become the greatest president in the history of USA. Because of love, the world has peaceful wish; because of gratitude, a person can build the relationship of love and increase that.

      Second, he may direct the fortune of countries: The world is in trouble of by earthquakes which happen frequently. he warned We must pay attention to the earthquake of Europe and America. The common words to explain  the power is knowing. If YunFeng can say this prediction sentence people will believe him, no ordinary person can say them. The earthquake is ongoing. The recently earthquake and Tsunami of Samoa has caused over 150 persons die. Indonesia earthquake ,over 5000 persons  die. YunFeng alreday predicted these in advance. The death of  people brings extreme hurt to .their family . The terrible experience told us  that   human being could not prevent disasters before it happen. Humankind  need to wake up and should be led by knowing! If you visit Master YunFeng, then you will be respected and support from  the heart of your people! This is a good chance for you! Please treasure it.

      Master YunFeng can already predict the economic crisis of 2009 and prepared the method to solve that. I hope you will visit him formally and respectfully,  then you can get the good method for saving the people in the world.

       Third, he may point the direction for the world: you certainly know the topic YunFeng talked  in recent years. That’s the weather problems. One and half year ago, the Master already expressed his viewpoint of nuclear weapon. You already knew. The topic of United Nation completely in accord with these two topics the master concerned about  always. It’s not coincidence. The knowing loves people in the world. We need the assistance of leaders in the world to help him spread  love to people  in the world!  I hope you will be the leader for spreading love firstly in the world.

  I hope you will soon visit YunFeng for people in USA! I hope the people of USA get the love from Master YunFeng! I hope the people of the world get the love from Master YunFeng!

  truely yours,

Jian Chen


      Below is message Master YunFeng sent to me, please  pay attention to this:

      Dear Chenjian,

       The prediction of "the great event of USA "is being witness!

       Please  pay attention to that continually.

       Wish president  Obama visit me as early as possible for people in USA!

       Wish USA  people get the love from Me!

       Wish people in the world get love from Me!


fifth,Octomber 2009 ln CHINA.

YunFeng Offical Website: http://www.512-china.org
Chen Jian's Email: chejian2046@hotmail.com
Chen Jian's Cellphone: (646)861-9042
Chen Jian's Chinese Blog: http://cishanxingdao.blog.sohu.com

