
having fun in US for a week

having fun in US for a week

Hihi, # T' U4 A$ l; n9 P, r# m$ a- E. X
We are looking for someone to have fun with! 4 M6 R: v3 b1 |, O" L

( @. A, B$ ]& G( X- @2 _2 M/ DWho: two working women (one driving lisence and with no car)( r4 v; Y! z- q& V
When: Dec 27th to Jan 3rd (flexible to change)
1 t) t' B. U# RWhere: along the west coast - Portland, San Franssisco, Los Angeles ( Disney, Universal Studio etc ), San Diego, and Seattle (flexible to change). s; K1 p/ P8 F& q$ i3 t4 m
How much (rough estimates): Car rental $250, Gas $250, Ferry $30, Accommendation: unknown. We will share car rental and gas cost. ( I$ |. i9 C: x0 H) e

% _5 T: Y& w/ W* A1 n
6 i3 A: h& Q+ [1 B7 c* P. x0 K+ EWhat: looking for a tripmate with a driver license (prefer female)! ]1 J6 g$ j; P2 G7 R7 B4 }

- _7 Q5 s  t0 y3 c6 G, T" `. o% m" D& M
Welcome for detail inquiries!6 ~% ]+ M+ j) p5 q8 W( g


haha, thanks for the suggestion but we are not trying to draw males' attention

