
IT 俱乐部 - Android快速开发工具 本周六 2:30pm,

IT 俱乐部 - Android快速开发工具 本周六 2:30pm,

时间: 本周六 July 21th 2:30pm, that is 3rd Saturday 2:30pm every month5 l3 Z% R/ q8 l. _
) l3 v6 R. H+ Q9 f0 S! ^
地点: EBC church second floor meeting room.8 ]9 }, k" Q2 K6 k- Z9 ^! K
Address: 2121 Cedar Hill Cross Rd.# U6 n9 ^- q* j/ K5 {
0 p% W9 r- |# t  s; e5 \
主讲人: 年轻的创业者: Linton Ye % y  x" L. j7 l, Y& t
; r7 g% m6 }6 a5 R) [5 c
Message from Linton Ye:# h9 r- V7 W$ J, m5 }( A, F# b4 A
" `# V; H2 a2 w3 g2 @% Y
大家好,全职创业以来一直处于“stealth mode”,如今给大家汇报一下进度。
; P3 e2 ]1 C+ T, l% M9 f周六两点半准备分享一下最近开发的一套叫做“积木”的Android快速开发工具。欢迎各位对创业和移动应用开发感兴趣的朋友批评指正、交流经验。多谢捧场!; w6 l' p+ v7 F# g! \9 H" Z& j
IT 俱乐部 - 分享一下最近开发的一套叫做“积木”的Android快速开发工具本周六 2:30)      
) g4 q9 E  Y4 K7 Z* b+ _0 m
/ H& f5 a$ i8 s* b! c3 N关于公司及产品的简短介绍:
& G$ k9 \2 ?+ I3 a2 d$ I. z2 N) J2 _! Q. d
At jimu Labs, we are passionate about helping developers turn their ideas into high-quality software, as quickly as possible.  We have been building Android apps since 2007. This experience has inspired us to develop jimu, a new development tool for Android that makes it possible to rapidly create high-quality, native apps. & j: ^5 u5 q7 V( x* B
+ L7 z# d& `2 }

- Q/ _; E* l8 q0 Fjimu extends the Android Development Toolkit for Eclipse, and produces editable code for common Android app components, following best-practices and standards. It is not meant to replace manual coding, but instead to automate as much as possible (but no more!), leaving fine-grained customization up to the developer.! B9 ^' z/ o% u5 C6 b, P8 p% Q

: Q5 x$ N0 T8 t, \  o( }
3 f4 t  U" f6 c# B6 KScreencasts and a preview version are available at our website: www.jimulabs.com, Y. d' G' l) a6 ?" _4 a5 D8 f9 t
* |+ o2 X$ G' Q3 W7 Z4 R" F2 c

3 }: @- p- c, \/ ~5 ?

+ q1 h* T, x1 i2 c1 Q8 s9 D欢迎大家加入维多利亚 IT 俱乐部:  Currently over 140 members.5 v; w, ?/ {* `5 d3 `4 b4 ]# u& ?3 |. X0 p! O- O
维多利亚 华人论坛 华人网  租房,买卖,生活 信息& T% I0 J" D  i2 C& S) l1 Y4 E# h; a6 A* l


