
IT 俱乐部 - 中国深空探测技术的现在与未来(本周六 2:30)

IT 俱乐部 - 中国深空探测技术的现在与未来(本周六 2:30)

时间: 本周六 May 19th 2:30pm, that is 3rd Saturday 2:30pm every month0 Z6 ~/ I# [" `- ^  i% p0 v: c
% W8 Z0 S" [' F! @* X2 R, X! q
地点: EBC church second floor meeting room./ N3 {, ^9 v" k' [/ \2 T
Address: 2121 Cedar Hill Cross Rd.. w; k' h) n& l: C, d: X
7 I4 S1 O* z6 i$ l& d2 e9 @
主讲人: This Saturday IT Seminar speaker is Professor Zhang, he is visiting scholar to UVic from China.  w* O1 V7 ~9 m% n9 N6 v9 x" n& C# f

, c; }+ }# y& g6 U
* V. ^$ ^6 j( F6 h: EHe was involved in China Rocket Science like 神5, 神6.. F2 E- r+ Y3 ]1 f7 L0 K5 b

. r# ]: Q6 I) j
7 }0 q7 |$ q" P The title of the presentation at 14:30 on 19, May is "The Present and Future of Deep Space Exploration in China" (中国深空探测技术的现在与未来)3 ]# F+ Z- b' T# H6 K

1 [6 d; ~0 ~8 U6 g6 ~9 K8 R) y' K. L& M/ M# h9 L3 q
      The outline is as follows:
! Q, ?$ A: i3 H+ G9 L5 _$ L9 p) \  Y* v; \3 x+ z* P

' V0 K$ l# l" X; o9 N      (1)  Some significant astronautic actions at present in China, and preliminary technology analysis (中国当前的重要航天活动与初步技术分析)。
3 @5 }! p' U" V      (2)  The present of deep space exploration in China, and comparisons with NASA's or  ESA's (中国深空探测技术的现在,及其与NASA、ESA的技术比较)。
# W/ k+ v; z& A3 K- U+ l2 k5 i& G: Z      (3) The future of deep space exploration in China, and giving  the developing tendency of the future technology based on the NASA's Route Map(中国深空探测技术的未来,参考NASA的路线图,给出未来中国在深空探测上的技术发展趋势。). \4 a7 W9 X9 f' O" n9 \" {8 r

: y( q4 Q+ K" L$ f5 c) e

9 s. F5 @/ c+ C3 Y/ |欢迎大家加入维多利亚 IT 俱乐部:  Currently over 140 members.5 v; w, ?/ {* `5 d3 `4 b4 ]0 ^$ z8 h; V4 J1 D1 [* u' n. ]
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