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标题: End the strike-Stop the fight [打印本页]

作者: vic999    时间: 2014-9-10 22:03     标题: End the strike-Stop the fight

Victoria parents and children plan to cross a picket line at Lansdowne Middle School next week as a symbolic gesture to stop the longest public-school disruption since provincewide collective bargaining for teachers began.        Organizers hope to attract at least 100 people to the school on Sept. 15, citing the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, including a right to education, as an impetus to breaking the stalemate.        Today marks Day 18 in missed school for elementary and middle school students in the B.C.-wide strike that started June 17. On Tuesday, hundreds of students rallied at the legislature, saying they felt like hostages in the dispute.        Jane Johnston, one of the organizers of the planned school occupation at Lansdowne on Monday, said students are suffering the most from the strike. - See more at:

The public is invited to join the school occupation on Monday, which begins at 10 a.m. The group will meet ahead of time at nearby Hillside shopping centre.        Find information on their Facebook page, Strike/StoptheFight.

David Underhill, a Grade 11 student from Reynolds Secondary School, shouts to the crowd as students rally at B.C. legislature on Tuesday, Sept. 9, 2014.        Photograph By          ADRIAN LAM, Times Colonist
作者: vic999    时间: 2014-9-10 22:31     标题: Re

请学生和家长们发出我们的声音: 立即开学!!!

Please join and support the activity:

The public is invited to join the school occupation on Monday, which begins at 10 a.m. The group will meet ahead of time at nearby Hillside shopping centre.        Find information on their Facebook page, Strike/StoptheFight.
作者: vic999    时间: 2014-9-10 22:32

作者: vic999    时间: 2014-9-10 22:57     标题: 请参与并支持9月15日星期一的活动:

请学生和家长们发出我们的声音: 立即开学!!!
Please join and support the activity:
The public is invitedto join the school occupation on Monday, which begins at 10 a.m. The group willmeet ahead of time at nearby Hillside shopping centre.        

Find information on their Facebookpage, Strike/StoptheFight.

作者: vic999    时间: 2014-9-10 23:23     标题: 活动细节如下

活动组织者希望在915日星期一上午10, 吸引到至少100位家长和学生,穿越设置在LansdowneMiddle School的警戒线,
援引联合国儿童权利法案(其中包括儿童受教育的权利),以期此次活动打破劳资双方现时的僵局.要求早日开学.参与者可提前在Hillsideshopping centre附近集合.

information on Facebook page,
Victoria parents and childrenplan to cross a picket line at Lansdowne Middle School next week as a symbolicgesture to stop the longest public-school disruption since provincewidecollective bargaining for teachers began.        Organizershope to attract at least 100 people to the school on Sept. 15, citing the UNConvention on the Rights of the Child, including a right to education, as animpetus to breaking the stalemate.   

作者: 232793819    时间: 2014-9-10 23:28     标题: 不见不散

作者: chinadian    时间: 2014-9-11 08:30

作者: 232793819    时间: 2014-9-11 10:57     标题: 这是个什么性质的活动?

作者: 232793819    时间: 2014-9-11 11:00     标题: 还要问问具体集合地点。

那个帖子上说hillside shopping center 附近,太模糊了。
作者: radishj    时间: 2014-9-11 11:21

作者: mm0220    时间: 2014-9-11 12:38

facebook page has been deleted?
作者: athome    时间: 2014-9-11 13:42

就想要求政府把教育列爲“essential service”。耽誤課這麼久了不差這幾天了,如果能那樣也算一勞永逸了,省得動不動就停課。誰聽到有這樣的活動上來喊一下。
作者: FIONASUN    时间: 2014-9-11 19:17

原帖由 radishj 于 2014-9-11 11:21 发表
作者: 232793819    时间: 2014-9-12 07:16     标题: 我们是不是不应该去?

作者: radishj    时间: 2014-9-12 09:16     标题: 回复 15# 的帖子

作者: FIONASUN    时间: 2014-9-12 20:36

原帖由 radishj 于 2014-9-12 09:16 发表
作者: xoxostar    时间: 2014-9-12 22:03     标题: 说说

虽说自己孩子早已过学龄阶段, 但就自己来美加居住若干年的感受,本人不建议华人去示威。温哥华上个星期华人示威那次我个人认为是有人故意而为之(当然不纯是为了孩子),这里姑且不谈。就此贴来说: 除楼上几位说示威只会给工会造势嫌疑外。个人认为第一:华人还没到有那个政治份量与其他任何政治团体来抗衡。 这次教师罢工, 主流社会是有不满意的, 但他们的不满意程度若涉及到与对政府的不满意程度相比,两者 则是远远不能相提并论的。白人尚且如此, 其他族裔更是不见声音, 何以独现华人积极对抗教联的势态? 背后的动机令人揣摩。
第二: 说是说加拿大说是个民主,自由的国家, 但它的宪法,体制限定了它也是半独裁国家? 试问有哪个民主自由国家可以如此漫无道理的“一刀切”移民申请者, 让成千上万的申请人或家庭陷入进退两难的局面? 他们的宪法是可以根据他们的利益修宪的。
第三, 任何一个国家的政治官员都是靠不住的, 现在你华人支持了政府,而得罪一些主流人士。那天政府不需要你的声音了, 主流社会又讨厌你, 想想那个时候谁来帮你!!排华的阴影浮上我的心头。
啰嗦了那么多, 第一:还是请举办人三思,不管你本意的如何,这种事情还少叫上华人,  二建议华人不要过度参与。 我们现在还没有这个本钱。 三学好英语, 带着不准的英文上台演讲, 徒增听众的厌烦。
如有言语不当, 请见谅。 但希望大家思想清楚。
作者: jiawangliu3    时间: 2014-9-12 23:59


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