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标题: Vancouver Island Racketlon 羽毛球,网球,壁球,乒乓球比赛 [打印本页]

作者: ELITE    时间: 2012-2-8 20:36     标题: Vancouver Island Racketlon 羽毛球,网球,壁球,乒乓球比赛

Vancouver Island Racketlon3 z( C! q. _# M' A1 p! ]. Y
at Panorama Recreation Centre
- k9 \4 I$ {' M% n4 C0 J.
# |0 t' F" O& hThis tournament is open to all players and we look forward to your
# ?6 p% A* N% f$ Z! ~participation. Please enter online at by Saturday,9 `1 ~0 N0 G" Z4 o7 c) c
March 3, 2012. Call if you have any questions at 250‐655‐2177 or/ L- a5 y/ }% D/ j3 o, e
email Eric Knoester at m  c/ M9 k* Y  W/ k
" Q7 Y; ]% ~$ A3 o$ @3 c% GEntry Deadline: Saturday, March 3rd, 2012
8 j2 A- }; n2 J& R" a! o6 UEntry Fee: $50 per player singles ( incl.HST): p- H( k, d8 U$ X8 i2 P/ B
$25 per player for doubles (incl. HST)3 a# h+ T6 e1 |% y1 u+ @* Y
Tournament Format: A, B, C guaranteed 2 matches2 n. R2 i, X7 Y
Draw Posting: The Draw will be available as of
. ]. s1 L, E4 Z' b! X; l+ T7 zWednesday, March 7th at 6 pm.; S: d& |% n9 b8 W- Q
Tournament Players must be able to play from8 n( y( m4 h, c
Regulations: Friday at 6 pm; Saturday from 8 am;
! a  |1 J0 V# ^$ }! \5 {" ~! Iand on Sunday from 9 am.
/ u, s3 O. `- X8 b6 k' W* IEntries may be limited and will be- q' p# |) r7 ]9 J& W: a
accepted on a first come first served basis.
7 _3 `8 h' M1 {The decision of the referee or designate) g$ L& b- u5 ]0 V$ R8 p- z9 K4 s! H
shall be final regarding any disputes.
0 t, J+ d+ W3 q1 `2 `  j1 mEntry OnLine Enter online at under
( [' G7 L+ w4 R) u4 xevents. Payment is through PayPal.
4 [0 k3 C, K) O) o& }6 nConditions of Entry: Entry fee must accompany onlne entry or
6 @3 @0 D+ @/ v+ r% f" ]7 aname will not be placed in draw. No
5 s) e: h6 l; y  W6 J% C" Brefunds once draw has been posted.9 s) M, Z5 H" R
; @! G8 r) D1 ?4 ^8 ?% jMen’s Singles A B C ____ $50 per player
' W1 Q; _% \3 O9 R$ v" W& xWomen’s Singles A B C ____ $50 per player! L& Y8 R- ?1 x: i! s; @
Doubles (Mixed or Mens/Womens) _____$25 per player
0 ^1 v: ^3 J0 z2 \Players may enter a maximum of 2 events.
& Q* k" J+ h- J) fGuidelines for Category Level:
* b8 W! M" {- FA Players excel in one of the four sports and compete
7 a) p- q- T: ?$ n, C) _8 ]at the provincial level
7 y5 U0 E+ X- YB Players train in at least one of the four sports
( p; }+ P8 \* Y2 N3 aand play regularly3 k5 L$ B7 P* R+ s: e6 m8 j
C Players play at a recreational level and haven’t competed
1 V/ G. s" J6 L# `+ `, I( A, LTournament Format:0 s) \2 |$ U& a5 E- i
• Matches consist of 4 games – one in each discipline as
/ n! |* j( |+ jfollows: Table Tennis, Badminton, Squash, Tennis
  e- {! @0 ^2 `# y! P• Games are to 21 with a margin of 2 using rally point scoring
- }* D2 T1 \- A4 m(every point counts)./ _0 ~7 n% Z! p1 w
• Scores are cumulative; the winner has the highest score after
: b9 y9 [! G7 ]all 4 games played. In the event of a tie after all 4 games, 18 K7 [# j4 b- w/ t: U' C
tennis point determines the winner.& r$ L/ J. C* r2 Y0 K2 s
• Players alternate serve every 2 points. A toss of the coin  ^: @/ O4 F* B' U- w# N
determines who serves first in table tennis, and then/ D% |' Q8 W9 `& m; o
alternates for each discipline.0 Y7 l# R4 H7 U) U& ]: v0 [( N
For complete rules go to

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