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标题: having fun in US for a week [打印本页]

作者: qqww    时间: 2010-12-22 15:12     标题: having fun in US for a week

Hihi, 8 ~4 }) g* w  h# R9 ^% K
We are looking for someone to have fun with! , c  n" C" T8 {( f$ \) }

# |) _. ?9 Z) \; C: ?Who: two working women (one driving lisence and with no car)# ~2 V, b. t( e- A' O* Z' R
When: Dec 27th to Jan 3rd (flexible to change)8 k+ v6 Q) g2 R& h) b$ |% Z
Where: along the west coast - Portland, San Franssisco, Los Angeles ( Disney, Universal Studio etc ), San Diego, and Seattle (flexible to change)# l# ]0 G% \1 q+ N
How much (rough estimates): Car rental $250, Gas $250, Ferry $30, Accommendation: unknown. We will share car rental and gas cost.
9 K! Y1 h! R2 c% V
1 N' n% M& F9 U7 ]) D/ J- h+ S" ^5 N9 X! N* c8 @, Z0 s* s
What: looking for a tripmate with a driver license (prefer female)
# V# u* W4 v  [5 ?  r: m
1 |/ \& `: {  q6 B7 B3 F+ J& W4 i6 ~5 l$ R: K4 z! M" b  f
Welcome for detail inquiries!
) ?6 v0 r4 Q, F( y

作者: MrGrant    时间: 2010-12-22 15:17

建议 change "two working women " to  "two working girls"0 A2 d; z# V$ T

% l, `" `+ ~- X2 q9 z4 s! t祝成功
作者: qqww    时间: 2010-12-22 15:43

haha, thanks for the suggestion but we are not trying to draw males' attention
作者: freedom_2008    时间: 2010-12-22 17:28

You would need minimum 14 days  if you go SF, LA and San Diego, including driving and sight seeing.  We drove to SF and Berkley last last year around this time, spent three weeks total.  We went down along hwy 101 and back via hwy 5.  101 is along the coast line, it was nice but nothing is nicer than here until you get into CA.  Hwy 5 is faster but very boring.  If you go SF only, 10-12 days might be okay.     
$ R% l, X9 n1 t( @1 }2 h! I5 l3 D+ y+ C% u
Note that LA area has some rain and flood issue now (we booked another flight to LA  for coming Feb, so keep receiving these e-travel alerts):

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