据世界日报消息,攸关新移民能否顺利在本地就业的海外学经历认证取得重大突破,在联邦移民部与人力资源部积极奔走协调下,联邦政府已与全国所有省分签署「海外资历评估及认证全国框架」(Pan-Canadian Framework for theAssessment and Recognition of ForeignQualifications),协助新移民安身立命,学以致用,细节今日公布。
Foreign trained architects, engineers, pharmacists, physio andoccupational therapists and registered nurses will be among the firstgroups of foreign trained professionals who can apply for credentialrecognitions by Dec. 31, 2010 and have it done by Dec. 2011.
But phase II of the groups, the majority of internationally trainedprofessionals including physicians, teachers of kindergarten to Grade12, dentists, engineering technicians, licensed practical nurses andmedical radiation technologies will not see any concrete actions until2013 -- They cannot start the application until 2012 and will not havethe credentials recognized until Dec. 2013.
The initiative is not comprehensive enough and would come too late,said the NDP citizenship and Immigration critic Olivia chow. TheConservative government has been forced to act on foreign credentialrecognition under the NDP pressure. The party proposed credentialreform plan in 2007 and has since urged the government to speed up theprocess.
Under the Federal initiative, the majority of immigrants would havetheir credentials recognized three years from now. This means that tillanything concrete done for them, it will have been five years since weproposed it in 2007, which is a very long time… But at leastConservatives have it done while Liberals had never got it done, saidChow in an interview with Chinese News.
The NDP is now taking one step forward by recommending that thegovernment offer pre-departure foreign credential recognition servicesto all immigration offices in countries such as China and India.
“We are now pushing the process to be extended to all visa officeswhere potential immigrants can have their credentials recognized beforethey come to Canada,” said Chow.
But an internship in a hospital will be required before aninternationally-trained physician becomes a full-fledged doctor, and afully licensed foreign-trained teacher will require a teachingposition. However, having the right paper qualifications will notguarantee an employment in the fields. Once their credentials arerecognized, immigrants will still face the challenge of landing a firstjob in their profession.
“Employers always say that an applicant does not have Canadianexperience,” said Chow. “You would never get Canadian experience untilyou get your first job.”
“That is why we are pushing for more mentorship and internshipprograms, recommending that employers get some financial incentives forhiring immigrants with recognized credentials,” said Chow.