
Strawberry Festival :Sunday, July 5, 2009

Strawberry Festival :Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sunday, July 5, 2009
8 o) \7 K! [+ X2 p- _" B; L11:00 am - 3:00 pm& b  Q; K. ~1 y
at Beaver Lake Park
' B, W0 U* M- U0 N' h+ S0 A) |% J( W" j: g1 i
Free Admission# @  w' n" l7 W% [

! m. |: o9 r5 @9 c8 F% H4 @. q0 qThe Annual Saanich Strawberry Festival celebrates 43 successful years of community involvement and support. 9 b0 }; v( Y2 V; j  K4 x/ F
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The event originated as a celebration of the agricultural roots of Saanich and has blossomed into a grand festival for all ages. : d- j* _3 |+ A
0 Q' \# W- d+ v% b  r: \
http://www.gov.saanich.bc.ca/res ... d/sunfeststraw.html

