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标题: [求助信息] 维多利亚有接受MSP卡的推拿医师吗? [打印本页]

作者: linafeng    时间: 2008-5-14 08:56     标题: 维多利亚有接受MSP卡的推拿医师吗?


Lina Feng 冯莉娜
Financial Services Manager
Bank of Montreal Safeway Instore
1950 Foul Bay Road
Victoria, BC, V8R5A7
作者: lloydli    时间: 2008-5-14 11:46

不懂得是否是收msp卡,但如果收费10-20刀,是否推断是含那个卡的呀,我老婆原来在vicwest save on food 旁边一个地方做按摩,也是腰痛,记得好像10 几刀。
作者: Chinesenurse    时间: 2008-5-14 12:02

I visited  two massage clinics before in downtown. Both of them charged about 70.00/hr. With your care card, you can get 20.00 off each time up to 10 times. If you get extended care insurance, they can pay some amount. so you generally get 10 times free 30 minutes massage.  If you want the address, I can get you when I am off the work this evening.
作者: linafeng    时间: 2008-5-15 07:19

原帖由 Chinesenurse 于 2008-5-14 12:02 发表
I visited  two massage clinics before in downtown. Both of them charged about 70.00/hr. With your care card, you can get 20.00 off each time up to 10 times. If you get extended care insurance, they ca ...

Lina Feng 冯莉娜
Financial Services Manager
Bank of Montreal Safeway Instore
1950 Foul Bay Road
Victoria, BC, V8R5A7
作者: Chinesenurse    时间: 2008-5-16 11:22

不好意思, Lina, 我怎么也找不着那个business card 了。 我晚上call我的朋友, 然后告诉你
作者: Chinesenurse    时间: 2008-5-16 12:37

不好意思, Lina, 我怎么也找不着那个business card 了。 我晚上call我的朋友, 然后告诉你

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