HoneyBun Foods Ltd。是一家经营多年,口碑极佳的食品加工厂。过去的几年中,成功的雇佣了很多中国学生。为学生提供了就业打工的极好机会。
有兴趣的同胞们,可以致电给Frank 250-744-9999
We are in a food manufecturing business with products soldto many local outlets including Uvic.
Over the years we had hired many Chinese students withgreat success. A few of these students actually were able to finish their degree because of the income supplemented by the jobs. Beinga Uvic graduate myself, it is always a pleasure to be able to associate withstudents from the university.
We from time to time have part time job opening available and would liketo invit interested Chinese students to apply.
The hours and days are quite flexible.
Frank Ip
HoneyBun Foods Ltd.