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星期二免费学生晚餐! (Feb. 8, 2011)

星期二免费学生晚餐! (Feb. 8, 2011)

) `2 s& k9 C& J1 S  o時間: 每星期二晚上6
' b$ u* ^2 e& F+ i8 `+ L地址:以馬內利浸信會, 2121 Cedar Hill Cross Road, Victoria, B.C. V8P2R6(維多利亞大學南門)' g( F: D' V4 l

. K- M( {# `9 {以马内利浸信会邀请维多利亚大学,卡莫森学院,皇家路大学的及其他院校学生,到以马内利浸信会参加每周二晚上免费晚餐。如果你是一个维多利亚大学或其他院校的学生,你希望要吃上热的饭菜,和温馨在家的感觉,欢迎参加每星期二晚上6点免费晚餐!
3 ?: I% v1 m2 O! }2 ^; yEvery Tuesday, Free dinner 6:00p.m. at EBC  u5 \. Y! p1 b8 E  `
Emmanuel Baptist Church invites students from the University of Victoria,Camosun College,Royal RoadsUniversity and other Victoria post-secondary institutions, to a free dinner on Tuesday nights. No strings attached. # P% O0 h1 E+ Z  C
How to find us Where are we? Easy! We’re nearthe Henderson Roadentrance to UVic, specifically:
2121 Cedar Hill Cross Rd, Victoria, BC; Phone: 250.592.2418If you’re a Uvic and other college studentand you want a hot, home-cooked meal and a few laughs with old and new friends,come on over to Emmanuel on Tuesday nights!



星期二免费晚餐-维多利亚大学学生! (Sep. 22)

324 Students attend Tuesday dinner Sept 15                                                   It was great to see all of our regular student crowd back again for dinner! 5 r( u: W. w. s2 |' Q
' ^  S! F: c+ Z" F
DINNER SITUATION REPORT:$ }8 }; d9 L0 a- b# e9 S

1 i1 }5 Q: _1 D; V8 T/ K
  • We fed a total of 324 people. A great group of regulars and new people!
  • First students arrived around 4 pm to study and drink tea/coffee.
  • The room was pretty much full by about 5:30, and there was aline-up by 6 pm. Everyone who waited got lots of food. Students tookhome lots of leftovers.

: p! s" w& x7 z免费晚餐-维多利亚大学学生!+ P7 I, u' E, I$ W# ~7 p8 p( [" ]
時間: 每星期二晚上6& e* c7 w  |6 `6 \. ~: _, i
地址:以馬內利浸信會, 2121 Cedar Hill Cross Road, Victoria, B.C. V8P2R6(維多利亞大學南門)
# @: x' l# y) O: `# j. _# z4 ~ 5 r* q8 ~2 I. F3 A4 @
以马内利浸信会邀请维多利亚大学,卡莫森学院,皇家路大学的及其他院校学生,到以马内利浸信会参加每周二晚上免费晚餐。如果你是一个维多利亚大学或其他院校的学生,你希望要吃上热的饭菜,和温馨在家的感觉,欢迎参加每星期二晚上6点免费晚餐!2 E0 V- h# W8 J8 P  E/ \- w" t; \" K; g6 Q
Every Tuesday, Free dinner 6:00p.m. at EBC
& {- `" X. W& ]( x: FEmmanuelBaptist Church invites students from the University of Victoria,CamosunCollege,Royal RoadsUniversity and other Victoria post-secondaryinstitutions, to a free dinner on Tuesday nights. No strings attached. 3 c$ c% T8 m' t: w5 Y/ t
How to find us Where are we? Easy! We’re nearthe Henderson Roadentrance to UVic, specifically:
2121 Cedar Hill Cross Rd, Victoria, BC; Phone: 250.592.2418Ifyou’re a Uvic and other college studentand you want a hot, home-cookedmeal and a few laughs with old and new friends,come on over to Emmanuelon Tuesday nights!


411 for dinner! this has gotta be some kind of record;Wow, only week 2 of the dinners and there were 411 people at thedinner! Loooong line-up by 5:45. Everyone who waited got food. Plus afew seconds. Get there early! Study hall available from about 4 pm withwireless and Mozart (said to be good for the brain).


very funny


晚餐 Report, Tuesday Sept 29

Dinner Report Tuesday Sept 29                                By catscam - Posted on September 29th, 2009      ( p2 P8 l: @. L9 n
                           ; J; t  s8 ?" V" B% [( q& j

  l% q4 \/ u) H
. y2 C8 v( U4 f5 z$ w8 b  Q0 V2 F/ `) V
4 U+ ?9 e: X5 ]9 ~* w8 t

; U- ?+ a" m3 _: Z  H) ?2 yAnother great evening with 379 students over for dinner. Line-up by5:30. Food for everyone plus some leftovers. Some people arrived forthe study hall at 3:30. Some studied their books. Others studied theirgame or card strategies. Lots of bread arrived just after 7:10 pm fromCobbs to take away — great bread made in the morning. Take some to giveto friends. See you next Tuesday!




i meant funny...




i meant funny...or JOKE


Pastor Rob Fitterer's grace poetry for September 29

( j2 c/ I& t3 J8 P1 i9 J& Nhaving transformed2 y8 G) e. s9 p) F+ x" T: a
sunshine and soil and water and seed,
6 _. _, C, X: z5 s& ?into food upon which we are soon to feed, 5 b. }+ C) i4 w# E$ X
we thank you for life and we want to stay well,
% y5 x9 H7 |% H, F: kso we promise to rub our hands with Purell.
6 [* c6 Z* `* Q+ x4 g$ S+ RWe who came first and are ready to dine. o, s) H* h7 V1 N7 h. h. g- U( B6 H
thank you that we’re not still waiting in line,
$ t( T& H; q7 j* obut for those who are hungry and eagerly wait, ' \& K6 {+ R' A! \/ S0 O
we shall not be greedy and heap up our plate." X& s2 _7 X$ E( K
Instead we’ll be thoughtful of all the others 3 k0 d5 m% G" a
the way we were taught by our own loving mothers.' b! {* O8 i" ^/ N5 e) u/ h, G
8 W% R' Z6 S. i% t. f5 A  g0 aWe smell the potatoes all spicy and roasted
3 Z" M/ p9 V8 U% a" sthe aroma of casseroles perfectly toasted
4 |  b3 M; i0 H" wWe thank you for people so generous and kind
: ~6 P  ]. m& x4 F9 Y' q: \and thanks for all blessings in body and mind,
8 h9 n1 |; G+ E0 a. W
% V: [" f+ f- zAmen.


FREE! Especially for UVic/Camosun students.

6:00 pm Student Dinner (Gym, Stevenson Room).
5 o; w1 G6 C( r& t; ~; V7 ?( vFREE! Especially for UVic/Camosun students.% _( l- y$ ]0 d3 T% |
; @; U5 K+ ]' c. L$ VMore info, contact Paul or Catherine Scambler 250–477–1111.


October 27 is Costume Night, 免费晚餐-维多利亚大学学生

This  Tuesday, October 27, is Costume Night. Candlelight. Pumpkin carving contest 4:30 to 5:30 pm. Will be a happy and fun Night


原帖由 xiaohua 于 2009-11-4 07:57 发表 * E( C3 y/ o+ R# f* \* f' i1 L* N6 I( o
' t6 O& v; U7 ]* a3 Q' ~
( q1 [0 ^+ L8 I4 [; `% E7 }4 n& C+ v
wahahahah...thx 4 sharing~~~ dats y i say its a JOKE
I am always willing to offer help but please Google your question before asking.


从来没去过,其是去年就听说了,但是由于这学期的课就是周二晚上6点的,也就任命了,可是没想到把下学期的课,又选了周二6点的! 知道明年夏天看看了!
( ], E' h4 @) J希望期待已久的免费餐,不要让我失望,明年暑假去! 哈哈……


I am always willing to offer help but please Google your question before asking.



星期二免费晚餐- 大学学生! (Jan 12, 2010)                                                                                                                     每星期二晚上6维多利亚 华人论坛 华人网  租房,买卖,生活 信息: [3 e! G. E- W! a/ Y, U8 W% j- l, f, W) T
地址:以馬內利浸信會, 2121 Cedar Hill Cross Road, Victoria, B.C. V8P2R6(維多利亞大學南門)www.victoriabbs.com. l3 s4 g( i! {3 E7 y( E1 p
) K) H0 F9 L1 e( E2 {8 d以马内利浸信会邀请维多利亚大学,卡莫森学院,皇家路大学的及其他院校学生,到以马内利浸信会参加每周二晚上免费晚餐。如果你是一个维多利亚大学或其他院校的学生,你希望要吃上热的饭菜,和温馨在家的感觉,欢迎参加每星期二晚上6点免费晚餐!维多利亚华人论坛2 T/ m  {# U) J# G! W
$ J; _- e2 J: i" ]Every Tuesday, Free dinner 6:00p.m. at EBCwww.victoriabbs.com* V% `$ c8 }1 o4 J" K! J) X1 D& C' r/ R4 `  L
EmmanuelBaptist Church invites students from the University of Victoria,CamosunCollege,Royal RoadsUniversity and other Victoria post-secondaryinstitutions, to a free dinner on Tuesday nights. No strings attached. 维多利亚华人论坛& G5 R0 b+ [  `. G3 S. m) P! K4 i: i( {5 F
How to find us Where are we? Easy! We’re nearthe Henderson Roadentrance to UVic, specifically:
2121 Cedar Hill Cross Rd, Victoria, BC; Phone: 250.592.2418Ifyou’re a Uvic and other college studentand you want a hot, home-cookedmeal and a few laughs with old and new friends,come on over to Emmanuelon Tuesday nights!




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