
Uvic lecture on women's health activities

Uvic lecture on women's health activities

More Than Between the Start and Finish Line: Women 50+ and Outrigger Canoeing

Leisure time physical activity provides many health benefits for people of all ages, yet among older women, only a minority participate.  When we hear about older athletes in the media, it is often to highlight athletes that are either of an elite skill level or in the oldest old age category.  Why do some older women make the choice to be physically active in their leisure? This study used focus groups with photo elicitation to qualitatively explore the experiences of community-dwelling women 50 and over who choose to paddle outrigger canoes.  Join Heather Bell, a PhD student at the University of Florida for a presentation and discussion as she shares the findings of her MA in Leisure Studies (Dalhousie) thesis research." g8 u& e: B$ N3 A) `% J0 _

Friday, August 14th    5:00 – 6:30 pm

University of Victoria

David Strong Bldg, Seminar Room C118

Admission: Free

Hosted by: University of Victoria Centre on Aging


Victoria Canoeing Festival

This event is part of this year's Victoria Canoeing Festival.


for more events at UVIC, see its event calendar

